🌫 Im Ok 🌫

56 3 9

(3rd POV)
The room was cold, sending chills through his spine.
He groaned and clutched the blankets, burying his body deeper into them. He relaxed, he felt lifeless and calm. It seemed as though he never wanted to get up and his body didn't wanna work.
He birds were singing outside, a dog was barking in the distance, and there was a waft of bacon downstairs.
Now, that was hard to not wake up to.
The delicious sizzling smell of bacon was making it's way up into the dark cold room Tord was in.
He felt safe under the blankets, he wanted the bacon so bad but he knew what was gonna happen if he ate it.
And what if there was people?
Tord wasn't really the type to communicate. He used to be, but now he was silent and shy...
He sighed and half opened his eyes.
The smell of the bacon kept him up, he was so hungry but when he thought about what will happen he felt like his stomach churned.
Tord got up, and looked around.
The rooms wall was blue, there was a window to the far side with dark blue curtains, and a clean nightstand next to me.
It had a dark purple journal, a lamp, and a few stacked drawings on the edge.
Tord  noticed some pictures of Tom, he was surprised and shocked but he didn't really wanna look at him.
It makes Tord feel guilty, to the point where he feel like he is a mistake to everyone.
A failure.
A disgrace.
Tord glanced back at the pictures, Tom was smiling and laughing with Edd and Matt in two pictures.
Anoathor one was where Tom was under a tree on a hill.
He had a small smile, but his 'eyes were seemed a little to the side like he wasn't focusing on the camera.
He was blushing for some reason, and he had a peace symbol with his finger.
His other hand was in a hoodie pocket.
Tords face heated up to this, and he instantly looked to anoathor picture.
This time, Edd had an arm around Tom. Red was smiling and sticking his tongue out, Looking at Tom.
Tom was in a regular position, but he had a light blush.
Tords heart sank to this, he didn't know why.
He immediately went through a mix of emotions and he couldn't take his eyes off this picture.
He looked away, obviously sad.
Why did he feel like this?
Tord shrugged if off and looked around more.
There was a white  desk with pencils and some blue roses in a vase on it along with a laptop, Susan next to Toms bed, and a few pictures of random things.
One had an ocean breeze on sand, Tord wished he could run onto the sand and run into the beach far away...
Then there was a picture with Ringo sleeping peacefully.
There was a blue heartbroken picture, the background was black but the blue heart was broken in half.
There was a heartbeat on the heart.
He looked around some more, some galaxy pictures were here and there and blue stars hung onto the wall.
It seems so beautiful here.
The room was aesthetic and calming, it smelled strong of lavender too.
Lavender is good for stress, maybe that's why Tord doesn't feel so stressed here.
This was a great private place, a good place to just be distracted by your thoughts.
It gave Tord a feeling.
Like when you put your hands into cold water, it feels chilling and like it's going through your bones.
But it feels nice, like the water is giving you away.
This room made feel Tord lost, like in a cave, but it seemed like he was lost in a good way.
He didn't wanna leave, but he walked towards the door and the smell of bacon grew stronger.
Going down the stairs, he found Tom eating some bacon and eggs.
Tord instantly felt regret and guilt, Tom noticed this and he looked confused.
"Hi Tord", he started.
"H-hi eh..Tom", Tord replies nervously.
"Why are you so nervous?"
Tord stayed silent, not sure how to reply to this.
He was nervous for a lot of reasons, if you betrayed an old friend and that old friend shot a harpoon through you when you were being possessed by a demon at the time and you weren't in you're own body but then you changed back to normal when you got hit and you were screaming and now you don't know what to say...
That listed it off.
Tord looked to the side, unsure.
"Never mind...do you wanna eat?" Tom asked.
"Oh eh, no I'm not hungry".
Tom looked concerned.
"Seriously Tord, you were  homeless. I really think you need to eat. This is real food."
Tord stared at the food, it looked delicious.
His stomach grumbled just in time, and Tord silently cursed in his head.
Tom's eyebrows raised and Tords expression dropped.
"Come on, it's not that bad", Tom encouraged.
Tord sat down.
He looked at the plate in front of him, staring at it.
It smelled so good...
Tord picked up the fork...
He picked up some food...
And ate it.
The food tasted so good, it feels  like he hasn't had food in forever.
"Its..actaully Good!" Tord said.
Tom smiled.
"Thanks, Tom".
Tom blushed a little at this, he seemed flustered.
"I-its..." Tord mumbled as he felt his stomach churn and the world start to circle.
He felt dizzy and nauseous, and his throat felt like it was gonna rumble as be started to gag.
Tom looked shocked and Tords eyes mumbled as he held his stomach and immediately ran to the bathroom.
He threw up in the toilet, throwing up all of the food.
Tom followed Tord quickly and stood behind him, crouched.
He was patting Tord's shoulder and he had a mix of shock and concern written all over his face.
Tord eventually stopped, he didnt feel nauseous anymore but he didn't feel good either.
He was shaking out of fear.
"Tord, are you okay?" Tom asked.
Tord didn't repsond, he didn't feel like talking since he just threw up so he gave a quick nod.
Tom put his hands onto Tords shoulder.
"No your not," Tom said softly.
Tord stared at his 'eye's. Tords eyes were dull, not happy or shiny.
Tom sighed.
"G-go take a shower Tord.." was all he said.
Tord didn't argue, he just turned away and stalked upstairs, Looking down.
Someone needed to do something.

✨I Will Fly Us Out Of Here✨ TomTord AUWhere stories live. Discover now