Chapter 18 (last chapter)

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Gemma's P.O.V

Fuck Ryan is standing right behind us,I can feel him breathing down my neck.

"Where do you think you guys are going" he smirked

"What do you mean,I told you what I was gonna do to her" Mikey said nervously

"Quit the bullshit Fusco,we know that you were gonna help her escape" Ryan said

"And now we have to kill both of you"

And with that Jimmy grabbed me and held a knife to my neck. So this is the end. this is how I'm gonna die.

"At least let me say goodbye to Mikey" I said as a year rolled down my cheek.

"Fine you have 5 mins" he said.

I ran to Mikey and squeezed him so tight he might aswell be dead

"Gem I didn't mean for any of this to happen,I never ever would have agreed to help them If I new what they were planning I swear I never meant to cause you pain I just wan----" he never got to finish his sentence cause I had pressed my lips against his,they moved together and in sync I felt like I never wanted to let go but sadly we had to.

"I love you Mikey" I said crying

He looked a little taken back but eventually said

"I love you too"

Jimmy took me again and was holding me a little to close for my liking,then he started stroking my arm

Mikey's P.O.V

I snapped,how dare he touch her like that does he have no respect for women

"Oy Jimmy don't touch her like that" I shouted

"What you gonna do about it" he smirked

"This" I said and punched him

"Gemma run!!!!" I screamed at her

Gemma's P.O.V

I ran as fast and as far away as possible until all I heard was a loud gunshot.


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