7 - The Raid

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The wind felt cold against my face as I flew through the air, and my arms and legs felt numb as my gryphon held me tight. I flew next to Susan, Peter and Caspian, while the rest of the Narnians were waiting outside the castle walls for the signal that Ed was meant to give later on. We closed in on the dark shape of Miraz's castle and I clutched my bow, hoping I wouldn't drop it.

But then again, I felt like this tension was better than the tension between Caspian and Peter. Caspian had tried to convince me to stay at the How with Lucy so I 'wouldn't get hurt', but Peter wanted me to come. Eventually I snapped at both of them and told them I was going because I wanted to. But I couldn't stand the glares they were giving each other after I said that. Anyway, they had both come to the agreement that we needed to get in and out as silently as possible.

I watched as Edmund flicked his torch on and off, meaning that he was ready for us to drop in. I clicked my tongue, hoping my gryphon would hear me. He did and me, Trumpkin and my siblings flew in a line behind Caspian. A man on one of the torrent's came into view, but he was knocked out by Caspian who was holding onto his gryphon with one arm.

Edmund shone his torch onto a torrent where a few guards were standing. I signaled for my gryphon to let go of my back legs and once they touched the ground, I ran towards a few of the soldiers, my bow now transformed into a staff. I swung the blade at the Telmarine's chest, killing him. Susan shot an arrow at a Telmarine and Peter also killed one, now we had no one in our way.

"Where are we going now?". Trumpkin asked us.

"We should be above my professors study, he normally keeps the window open for fresh air". Caspian said.

I looked over the edge of the battlement and saw that there were a few windows. Which meant that there were floors, and we could risk getting seen if the Professors study was on a lower floor.

"What floor is his study on?". I asked Caspian.

"The top one, so we don't have to abseil very far". He told me.

I took out a long and sturdy piece of rope that I had put in my satchel and with Peter's help, tied it around a block on the battlement. Caspian went down first, very quickly if I might add.

"Alright Clara, your turn". Peter helped me stand on the block and then made sure I was holding the rope tight enough.

I began to abseil down. It wasn't that hard, considering the wall wasn't slippery and it wasn't a long way to go. Caspian grabbed my waist gently, making butterflies erupt in my stomach. He pulled me over to the window so I wasn't near the edge and knocked.

"Professor?". He said, but got no reply.

Pulling out a small dagger, Caspian fiddled with the window for a second before he pushed it open and stuck his head in. By now, Peter had landed beside me and Susan was halfway down the rope. Caspian stepped onto the desk and jumped into the room, I followed his movements and walked straight to the open door and closed it.

The last thing we needed was to be seen. If Caspian said his professor worked late, then why was the window locked? Something bad had happened, and I felt we were close to figuring it out. I walked over to Caspian and looked at the spectacles in his hand.

"Were they your professors?". I whispered.

"Yes, he never went anywhere without them". He replied. Now I knew something had happened. "I have to find him".

"You don't have time". Peter said, sounding very tense. "You need to get the gate open".

"You wouldn't even be here without him". Caspian defended his professor. "And neither would I".

Peter looked at Susan and I, telling us to try and talk Caspian out of it. But there were 5 of us, and the Narnians weren't here yet.

"You and I can deal with Miraz". Susan told Peter. "Caspian and Clara can go rescue the professor and Trumpkin can get to the gate just in case".

"We will get to the gate in time". Caspian nodded before running off into a hallway, with me close behind. "I don't think your brother likes me". Caspian said while we were rushing to the dungeons.

"He'll come round". I assured him. "Besides, Peter never likes any boys I'm friends with".

This made him blush. We ran down staircase after staircase until we reached the bottom floor, which were obviously the dungeons. However, I pulled him aside before he went zooming passed the guard. I help a finger to my lips, telling him to be quiet. Caspian nodded, and I pulled out my bow and an arrow. I let go of the string and not a second later, the guard was dead.

Caspian moved away from me and scanned each cell, stopping at one where an old man lay, sleeping. I grabbed the guards key and passed it to Caspian who then unlocked the cell door and woke up his professor. The man looked up at Caspian and grinned.

"Five more minutes?". The Professor asked, this was an inside joke and I decided to stay out of their conversation. "What are you doing here? I didn't help you escape just so you could break back in. You have to get out before Miraz knows you're here".

The professor pushed Caspian out of his cell, only just noticing me. I smiled at him, while his eyes looked down at my ring and then to the green one on Caspian's hand.

"Oh, it worked". I heard him mumble.

"He's going to learn soon enough". Caspian said. "We are giving him your cell".

Caspian pulled away, but the Professor didn't let go. "Don't underestimate Miraz as your father did".

"What are you talking about?". Caspian asked.

"I'm sorry". Was all the professor could say. I knew what he meant though and my hatred for Caspian's uncle grew, like fire and gasoline.

Caspian turned to look at me and grasped my hand.

"Open the gate, and get him out of here". Caspian ordered, wild look in his eyes.

"Caspian you'll get another chance to avenge your father". I told him. "Please don't risk the mission".

He didn't say anything, instead, he glanced between me and the Professor before pulling me towards him. I was a bit shocked when his lips touched mine for a few seconds. I didn't really comprehend that he had kissed me until after he stepped away and sprinted up the stairs. My eyes widened but I turned to the professor calmly.

"Come with me, I can get you out of here". I said to the man.

The Professor nodded, smirking a little and we hurried to one of the battlements and I called over my gryphon.

"What are you doing?". He asked me and I put a few things in my satchel and gave it to him.

"Getting you out of here". I replied, as he put the satchel on. "Take him back to the How".

The gryphon nodded and grabbed the Professors arms. It lifted him in the air and then grabbed his legs. They flew away from the battlement and I transformed my bow into a double bladed staff. All I needed to do was get to the courtyard.

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