The half breed heart

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TIBBOT WAS FLYING high through the Mirboon Forest. Weaving between great oaks, diving beneath the rocky outcroppings of the craggy, steep mountain side and gliding through the open spaces. It was a joy to have one's wings. He was one of many pure breed Faeries, but often boasted that he was one of the few with a close tie to the royal line. 

He wore no skins. What little clothing he wore was made of fine cotton weave. The Faerie folk weren't a bashful bunch, physicality and freedom of body was celebrated as much as overall cleverness. There was nothing like a good trick to the Faerie Folk, it was as good as fine wine, your best friend or even admirable beauty. 

His clan thought so anyway. There were others, many others. One clan preferred tricks that relied on magic, others liked to play at being wizards, and still more liked to horde anything shiny. Such fickle clans they were compared to his own. Trickery was difficult! A great jest or trick was remembered for years! Decades! Centuries! 

Of all the magically touched races he most pitied the Wood Elves. Touched by magic, certainly, but they rarely grew wings, were forced to mix with humans since they were so often on the ground and many of them wandered in bands. 

He had only seen one band of them, to be honest, and he was shocked to discover they wore leather clothing and ate meat! An Elf who ate meat, no wonder they didn't grow wings! They were too heavy! 

Still, they were an entertaining folk, making up for their lack of upward mobility by forming acrobat and dramatic troupes. They brought trinkets and marvels from cities and traded with their upper branch cousins, as they were the entertainers of men as well as Faerie kind. He had seen only one of their plays and it was a wondrous thing, he had to admit. Glamours and singing and great acts of grace accompanied the telling of their stories. 

He glided between the trees following a quick stream when he came to the high falls and saw her. At first it was beauty that snared him. A vision with red hair climbing out of the waterfall pool onto a large flat stone in it's middle. Set between the shores it was a perfect resting spot after a morning swim. Her sweet pink tinted white skin glistened under the clear morning sun. 

She was completely nude, her red hair was like a curling oil fire cascading from her head down her gracefully curved back. He sat down on the high falls, taking cover behind a jutting rock to watch unobserved. 

For a moment her bottom pointed upwards just perfectly so he could admire the smooth curves of it, the absolute perfect handfuls it would make before he sought between and below, to touch the pleasure slit. Her secret place was lightly guarded with soft, short auburn hair. He gasped when she turned over onto her back, her breasts were twice as much than would fit in his small hands, but so firm, topped with pink nipples that were hardened by the cold water. 

She flipped her curly red hair out of her face, throwing tiny droplets into the air around her making a rainbow all around for just the blink of an eye. She had a heart shaped face and pouty, full pink lips. Her little stomach and perfect chest heaved as she caught her breath. She lay down on the rock, closing her eyes, letting the sun dry her skin.
It was a Gypsy Wood Elf! So soon after their kind were in mind, it must have 

been a portent of this fiery seductress! She was the most gorgeous one he had ever seen! He couldn't think of a Faerie of his own clan who compared! Her little pointed ears were his first clue, but there was something else he couldn't quite place. A touch of the wild that was enticing, intoxicating. That must have been it. 

He couldn't think of a way to introduce himself to her without frightening her into shame or sending her scurrying away so he remained in his hiding place, admiring the bold beauty of the creature. 

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