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citrine crystals represent calmness, new beginnings, and positivity


Harry's lonely. Very lonely.

He felt guilty saying that, with all the life around him—the plants, the animals, and the energy from the earth itself—, but he was. Those things can only keep you company for so long, but they're not the same as speaking to a real human (or a witch in Harry's case). He knows it was his choice to hide himself away like this, but he just couldn't stay with all of those people knowing that they were destroying the one thing that brought him real peace: The Earth.

Harry's not been around that long, in witch terms anyway. He wasn't around during Salem, or have any harrowing stories of 18th century wartime. No, none of that, he's still young (at least he likes to think so, especially since he ceased aging almost a century ago). He grew up during the early 1900's with his small nomadic coven of a family. His mother, sister and the other members of the coven taught him everything about the naturalistic form of magic they practiced. They were no coven dressed in all black with wands carved from bone, practicing their dark magic. They were very much into the airy, naturalized version of witchcraft with all their energy coming from the earth and going back in to create a balance. Harry fell in love with that philosophy, the soft give and take between their kind and Mother Nature. It created his perspective; rosying his gaze on life.

As he grew, Harry found himself venturing away from his family, following the pull to discover on his own. He found his way to the humans. He usually lurked and observed for most of his time, that is until the 1960's came around.

He loved the sixties; all of the music and the fashion. He was in awe of the revolutionary and empowered motions the masses created; the free love, environmental, and civil rights movements in particular. (He felt most connected to the environmental movement for obvious witchy reasons). He loved the energy of it all as it carried him through to the seventies. He hadn't felt so at home until that decade; no one seemed to care or notice that he could do some funny little magic tricks, or how he seemed to be so in tune with the energy and vibe of others. They all thought him to be very Stevie Nicks, as they liked to describe. They jokingly called him a little witch, never knowing how spot on it was. But that all eventually came to an end.

Soon enough those friends of his grew up, and out of their partying "hippie" stages, while he didn't. It's not like he didn't mature, that's just how he was. His entire life force—the magic running through his veins—depended on the earth. Being around groups of people that cared about it as much as he did, was where he wanted to stay. But they didn't. The community that he had integrated himself in changed.

As the eighties approached, a more modernized, capitalistic version of these people became apparent. Major corporations became the norm along with deep pollution, and the overall distaste for fellow people. He didn't like it; this wasn't his home.

So he hid.

He picked a nice little spot on the side of a mountain by a flowing river to build his cottage. (He uses build as a very loose word as all he really did was get the materials and just will them all together with a wave of his fingers). He painted it a pastel yellow, and made it everything he wanted. Large paneless windows allowed large shafts of light to come through and shine on him; when raining, a flick of his hand stopped the drops from coming in and soaking his things while still allowing the rain-washed breeze to come through. He allowed the nature all around him to grow up and around his home. Tangled vines ran across the sides of his house, flowers sprouting off the stems with their sweet smells perfuming his home. He has a garden around the side of the house, close to the river, where he grows all of his own flowers and food (there was also a third plot where all his magic ingredients grew). He eats mostly vegan with a few exceptions of things like eggs and honey that animals give him willingly, as he never wants to hurt any living thing if he doesn't have to. (He does poof certain things to his kitchen that just enjoys, like certain dairy products, but he's only able to do that because they're natural and conjurable by the laws of his magic). He placed a protection spell on his home and the small surrounding area, warding off bad energies and prying eyes who could possibly disturb his way of life. It was perfect for him; no modern appliances that could take from the environment or his connection to it. Just big enough for him with a kitchen, bathroom, and an open area to put his bed in (and a fairly large closet, of course).

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