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carnelian crystals represent passion and sexual energy


Harry quickly turned towards (Y/N)'s voice, seeing her stood with bewildered eyes on his hands. He was fast to take his fingers off the previously wilted flowers, holding his hands behind his back as he slowly stood up.

"Hi, (Y/N). I didn't hear y'come up," Harry greeted, feigning normality. Hopefully she hadn't seen his display.

"How—How did you do that?" she stuttered, panic obvious in her voice. Her eyes were wide, taking a step back as he took one towards her.

"What do you mean, love?" Harry continues, feigning naivety.

"Ha—Harry, I saw you. I saw you bring—bring that flower back to life and—and change it," she pressed an accusatory tone in her voice. Her reaction reminded Harry of when he first met her; she seemed to be on the edge of a breakdown.

Harry began wringing his hands behind his back, worrying his bottom lip between his teeth. "I don't know what you're talking about, lovie. Are y'sure the sun wasn't in your eyes or—."

"Harry stop!" she shouted, "I know what I saw! Stop making me feel crazy!"

"I—I can explain," Harry started, his voice calm. He brought his hands in front of him, keeping them low and open wide as to show he wasn't a threat. Their eyes met for the first time as (Y/N) flickered between his hands and his face. As it seems it only does with (Y/N), he saw her aura for a moment. A flicker of deep purple rays coming from around her revealed just exactly how freaked out she was.

"I have stopped myself from asking so many questions, Harry, I swear to god if you don't tell me what's going on right now," she stressed, her voice shaking.

"(Y/N), I promise I'll explain everything," he started, taking steps towards her, "I—I made us lunch, so how about we go inside and eat and I'll explain everything, yeah?" He saw her open her mouth to protest, but he quickly cut her off. "Please, (Y/N)."

She relented, quietly mumbled an okay following after him as he guided her inside. Once inside, (Y/N) was quick to break away from him and sit on his bed. It seemed she couldn't wait to be far from him, and that broke Harry's heart. He never meant to hurt her. He went onto the kitchen, his back towards her.

"I made that fancy macaroni y'said y'wanted to try," he called over his shoulder, a smile on his face in hopes of the food softening her a little. All she did was shoot him a glare, her jaw set. He sighed, his shoulders deflating as he realized it would take more than that to smooth it over. He filled two bowls for the both of them. He moved to the bed, sitting next to her as he handed her the serving. Unsure of where to start, Harry just began to eat. He refused to meet (Y/N)'s gaze as he knew she was probably giving him quite the stare-down.

"Harry," she says, her tone a warning.

"Please, jus' eat a little. I don't want y'to pass out like that first time," he explains, his own voice small as he didn't want to upset her. He heard her breathe a resolved sigh as she began to eat. Harry waited a moment, taking extra long to chew. "(Y/N), I need y'to understand that I care about you s'much. I would never ever hurt you, and 'm sorry for—for lying."

"You're scaring me, Harry," she confessed, confused by his preface.

Harry has never told anyone his secret. Outside of his former coven and family, no one knew who he truly was. He didn't know how to even begin to tell her. "I'm... 'm a witch."

"You're a what?"

Maybe being blunt wasn't the way to go. "A witch like—like your Sabrina!" he rushed trying to amend his brash confession. Seeing the way (Y/N) reacted–eyes blown wide and back a stiff line–when he brought up her Sabrina show, reminded him that it probably wasn't a good comparison. "But not like that! I don't do magic like that, and a lot of witches don't. Obviously there's going to be a few but they're generally harmless and don't bother humans often at all—. 'M sorry 'm probably not making any sense at all, am I?" Harry cut himself off, realizing where his rambling had taken him, "What I mean is, is that I don't practice magic that can hurt people. I like to make things better."

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