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opal crystals promote emotional amplification and connections


Harry can't sleep.

He's been laid up in his bed since the sun went down four hours ago, thinking. He couldn't stop thinking about her; about (Y/N). After having that single night with her, he doesn't know if he can sleep that restfully again without her. And he wasn't even next to her for star's sake! She was a wall away, while he stayed outside! It shouldn't have left such a lasting, intense impact on him. But it did. He just wants to hold her pretty body, and listen to her voice, and feel her (energy or skin, he's not picky). He knows he has absolutely no right to want all of that, as he's just met her and recognizes how crazy he sounds craving after her like this, but he does. He wants all of it; he wants her.

The whole time being in her presence had him feeling so complete and strong. He could almost describe it as being on a psychedelic high. He could feel everything; all of her energy, all of the animals' presence, all of the plants' life forces. He had a feel of everything around him. Then, as he watched her disappear in the distance down the mountain, it was like a switch flipped. He had been feeling the highest of highs for well over twelve hours, then he dipped into the lowest of lows. There was no tapering off, no grace period. As soon as her presence dropped off, he returned to the state he had been in prior to her. He almost felt numb compared to how he had been feeling with her around.

Harry's never experienced anything like this before, but he's heard of it. His mother had given him her old spellbook back when he was just coming into his powers, and he had read that thing through and through countless times. He could recite to you the glossary even. But there was one particular section that had always caught his attention. It was four chapters centered around something called Twin Flames (or Twin Souls depending on where you're from).

That section had explained through what a Twin Flame was and what it meant to have one. It—for all intents and purposes—was a soulmate. Harry remembers being so amazed when he read through the first time. He loved the idea of having another person out there share a bit of his soul and him hold a part of theirs. Not only was his soul given to another, also the smallest bit of his magic was given to them as well. There wasn't enough that it would make his partner a witch if they weren't meant to be one, but enough so that when they were together, Harry would be at his most powerful and his love would also feel the pull of magic. It caused a sense of euphoria to have both of those bits of yourself merged together finally. That's the only thing Harry could even compare to what he was feeling with (Y/N) there.

Witches usually don't find their Twin Flame, though. Many of them live nomadic lives which make it hard to find their intended. That just made it all the much sweeter for him. He was already so lucky having been granted (Y/N) as his Flame, and knowing he was one of the lucky few to even know they had a Flame, it was just so extraordinary.

He's put together a bit of a timeline for himself, thinking that around the time she would have been born that would have been when his magic had gone haywire. A part of his magic and soul was taken right out of himself, and given straight to her. It made him feel so happy. Although it might sound a bit odd, thinking that having a portion of your actual, human soul being ripped out of you and given to another, but Harry liked it. He loved the romantic connotation with it; a part of him was carried with her throughout her whole life and he had that small bit of her with him. Although he's just meeting her now, he's been with her through everything.

Another part of having a Twin Flame, was that it came with a ritual. Harry remembers being so confused when he read through those paragraphs. It talked all about something called an Alignment Ritual where he would take his intended out on a full moon, and make some special bonding potion and have them both drink it. It was like some type of witchy marriage ceremony. Some long, Shakespearean enchantments were meant to be said from both parties as they held hands under the moon and stars, with the energy of the earth baring witness to their joining. The ritual would also allow his own magic to stabilize, and stop her from feeling the lows that he's assuming she feels too (if he's right about all of this anyway).

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