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Harry's almost 100% sure he's scared her away.

She hasn't rung the sunflower at all in the last few days and he's pretty sure he's going to go crazy (if he hasn't already).

But he can do this.

It was almost a month before he saw her for a second time, so he can last a few more days. At some point, maybe she'll cave and call the flower.



Maybe not.

With no word from her, Harry's starting to think he really did go crazy. His magic is going slightly more haywire than usual. Even Dandelion has been acting odd; staying away all day and night, refusing to eat the mushroom salads he puts out for her, and giving him dirty looks every time he goes by the river (he's not even peeped on (Y/N) in the last week or so, so he doesn't know why Dande has such an attitude about it).

He's been starting his days late and his nights he spends up late. He waits by his sunflower any chance he has, hoping and praying to both the moon and Mother Earth that she'd contact him.

Both go unheard.


Almost three weeks out, Harry's lost hope.

He feels heartbroken.

He knows it's irrational and a little crazy, honestly. He'd only met her twice and he's allowed her so much control over his heart, and emotions, and just him. He shouldn't be so distraught.

He doesn't bother staring at the flower day and night anymore. He chooses to overwork himself, creating chores as he goes. Never before had he taken it upon himself to physically freshen up the paint on his home, usually just willing it to fix itself with a wave of his fingers. Now, he's painted his cottage, spending an inordinate amount of time in the garden (partly due to the fact that he can barely feel them anymore since it seems even his own magic doesn't want to be apart of his moping either) even though it's been dead for days with no sign of revival, and testing more recipes and making more food than he knows what to do with.

He's just trying to move on, albeit unsuccessfully; but it all comes with time right?

Now he understands why some witches actively avoid meeting their Flame; it's easier to forget something that's never happened than to get over meeting and losing the one person you were meant for.


The late morning sun was streaming through Harry's pane-less windows as he slept the day away. Not even the warmth of it could wake him from his sleep; the pressing issue of his made up chores doing nothing to sway him into consciousness.

But then, a small tinkling noise sounded throughout the cottage. It came from the sunflower.

It took a second ring through before Harry blinked his eyes open. Since when did he have an alarm clock? He rolled over, looking towards his white, wooden side table to see his sunflower veiled in a dreamy, iridescent glow. Harry squinted his eyes at the plant, confused at what it could be doing. There's no way (Y/N) had caved and actually rung him; he's accepted that already. Maybe, the enchantment had an expiration date he was unaware of. The period of almost a month with no use might have been all the flower could handle before it decided it wanted to go back to nature. A third tinkling noise called Harry once more. He sat up, the white, cotton duvet falling into his lap. He grabbed a hold of the sunflower, watching as the warm brown center of the flower seemed to be the source of which the iridescent glow was originating. He thought he had accepted and let go the idea of her ever giving him a call, but all the signs were there. The ringing, the glow, and the way the center called for him to take a listen.

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