Chapter 3: Room 309

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Madi’s POV:

NYU was big.

I think I got lost at least twenty times today alone, and it was my fifth day, along with all the other college freshmen. I hadn’t made any friends yet, besides my dorm mates, but they were hardly home.

They were probably at parties.  

Oh well. I have a lot more to worry about then which party is better than the other. Like schoolwork. This is my only shot to make my parents proud, and I’m going to take advantage of it. A scholarship to New York University was hard to get, and I’m not going to blow it.

After about ten minutes of aimlessly walking, I decided to ask for help. I saw a brunette and a blonde over by a stone bench, looking through papers and arguing. I wouldn’t have bothered them, but they were the only decent looking people on campus at the moment, and I was in a hurry.

I tapped on the brunette’s shoulder and she quickly spun around.

“Uh, hi!” I said smiling. “Do you happen to know where Mrs. Brennan’s class is?”

She and the blonde looked at each other and started laughing. I felt extremely embarrassed, so I turned to leave, but the brunette grabbed my shoulder and said,

“No! We weren’t laughing at you- we just found it funny because we’re going to the same class, and we can’t find it as well! I’m Sofia by the way.”

She extended her left arm and we shook hands. The blonde mentioned that her name was Erin, but she seemed busy looking at the map and playing with her purple scarf. I introduced myself as well as Madi, because that’s what everyone calls me; not Madison.

We all crowded around the large blue map, pointing out possible classes. We started wandering around looking at class numbers looking for Mrs. Brennan’s class.

“307… 308… 309!” Erin practically screamed. “Finally! Let’s go girls!”

I slowly opened the big brown door, interrupting a huge class.

An uptight looking lady, with gray hair pulled into a tight ballerina bun and a Christmas themed tacky sweater vest with a green skirt and brown heels, turned to look at us. She pushed her glasses back up, off of her extremely large nose, and walked closer to us.

“Names?” she questioned.

“Erin O’Connor”, Erin said.

“Sofia Ferraro”, Sofia squeaked.

“Madi Manilla”, I said quietly.

“Girls”, Mrs. Brennan stated, “Do you understand that you have interrupted my class?”

We all looked at our feet and said yes quietly.

“One more time, and you will no longer be welcome to my class. Take your seats.” She said motioning to seats at the back of the room.

Sofia, Erin and I ran up to the seats, and I sat between Sofia and this bitchy looking girl and what seemed to be the rest of her clique. Erin sat on the other side of Sofia, and we quickly began taking notes when the bitchy looking girl spoke up.

“Hey! You’re the Sofia Ferraro that was caught with Harry Styles last night!” She obnoxiously screamed.

I was taken aback. I was a huge One Direction fan, and I had heard about those girls who had been caught with the band, but I didn’t recognize them! Well, until now.

“Like, OMG!” Another bitchy girl screamed. “It IS!”

“GIRLS!” Mrs. Brennan shouted. “OUT OF MY CLASS NOW. That means you three as well” She motioned to us.

Erin got crazy.

“WHAT? What the hell did we even do? We took our seats when you told us to, and THOSE GIRLS are the ones causing trouble!” She screamed.

Two minutes later we found ourselves on the bench we met at.

We had been kicked out of a class that we hadn’t even been in for ten minutes. I honestly felt like crying. These girls I barely knew, who happened to be a little famous, had gotten me kicked out of my first class. How could I possibly impress my mom, dad, and older sister? The answer was simple: I failed them.

Then the bitchy girls walked up to us, all five of them. They were all SO fake. Three of them were bleach blonde, one of them was a brunette, and the other was a red head, but it was obvious that she naturally had black hair. They all had fake tans, loads of makeup, and barely any clothes on in 50 degree weather. It was a cold September.

“Hi!” the head blonde said, faking a smile. “I’m Leah, and these are my friends Avery, Olivia, Zhanna and Rosa.” First pointing to the two blondes, then the ‘redhead’, then the brunette. “So? Are you the girls that got caught with One Direction?”

“…Yeah…” Sofia said quietly.

Leah and the others all looked at each other excitedly.

“Text us.” She said, handing a piece of paper to Erin with all of their numbers on it.

They turned and left us standing at the bench looking at each other with confused faces.

“Sorry, but I’m not texting them” Sofia said cracking a smile.

We all left campus for dinner together, but we skipped the cafeteria for a nicer restaurant a couple blocks down, so we walked there. None of us had cars, because there was no need to have one.

When we finally took our seats and gave our drink orders to the obnoxious waitress, Sofia’s phone let out a piercing ring that sounded like my alarm clock. She quickly pulled it out with an embarrassed look on her face and immediately turned her iPhone to silent. She typed in her four number passcode and her eyes scanned the text she just received.

Sofia’s eyes got wide and she started to breathe unsteadily. Erin and I stared at her until she showed us the message.

It read:

Hey babe its Harry, you know, Styles? ;)xx

I was wondering if you wanted to go out on a proper date tonight, and bring a couple friends. You know we’ll end up ditching them tho ;* Text me back love xx;)


Ps. it will be at Zayn’s house, so I’ll send you the directions later :D

Erin gasped and screamed, “NUH UH”, and then she insisted on her bringing her.

Sofia looked at me and asked if I wanted to go too, and I politely accepted her offer. On the inside, though, I was having a panic attack so severe that I forgot my name.

 I was going to meet One Direction!

Hi sexxieess :*

Sorry I haven’t posted in a while, I had schoolwork to make up D:


<3 she’s my real BFF along with Erin, and she has a story on here so read it because I love her <3:     ~Sofia~

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