Chapter 1: The Crunchy Taco

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Erin’s POV:

“You’re such a loser” I said to Sofia.

She was pushing the ‘pull’ door, and everyone in the taco place was staring. Sofia was also making grunting noises trying to push the door, and I heard a faint laugh coming from inside. She was so embarrassing!!

She stopped pushing the door and looked back at me. She scanned my expression and slowing pulled the door wide open. I smirked and walked through the door while she held it. Sofia walked in after me and we both looked around the restaurant.

It was very small and quaint, but at the same time inviting and homey. The walls were a dark brown, with pictures of Spanish women, and wooden, beautifully painted Spanish masks hanging on the walls. There were a lot of tables, and the cashier desk was at the front of the restaurant right in front of the ‘pull’ doors. We walked up to the man at the front desk and Sofia said, “Hi! Table for two please!”

The man looked at us and smiled warmly.

“Hola! ¿Cómo estás hoy dos señoras? Bienvenido a la Crunchy Taco!”

I looked at Sofia and she giggled and said, “He said: Hello! How are you ladies today? Welcome to the Crunchy Taco!”

She turned her head back to the man and said, “Hola señor, mi amigo y me gustaría una mesa para dos, por favor. Y tal vez por esa ventana grande por allá.”

I scrunched my eyebrows and looked at her.

“I asked for the big table by the window Erin. I can’t believe you don’t even know Spanish. I thought you took it in high school! I mean, I took Chinese my whole high school experience, and I only took Spanish in the eighth grade and I know how to speak it.”

We laughed and followed the man over to our seats by the big window.

“Like, why does the cashier even speak Spanish… I’m pretty sure most the people that come here aren’t even Spanish.” I said.

We spent the whole night talking about the slut Alicia that lives two apartment rooms down from us. We were commenting on her hair, her clothes (barely any) and the loud music coming from her apartment every night. We really hated her, but she thought she was Sofia’s best friend. I was just strong enough to tell her off.

Sofia’s POV:

As soon as Erin brought up the fact that Alicia Hoff is actually a Christian, we heard a huge crash behind me. I looked over my chair to see a couple teenage boys hunched over their table, with their backs to us. I guess they knocked over a glass or a plate, becuase glass shards covered the floor. I slowly got up and walked over to them. I tapped on the curly haired boys shoulder and said,

“Um, hey! Do you boys need any help wi-“

He stood up and looked at me.

He took my breath away.

As soon as he looked at me, I saw my whole life flash in front of my eyes. It felt like a million butterflies erupted into my stomach, and my heart hurt. His eyes were the most beautiful green I had ever seen in my life, and they stared into my soul like he has known me forever.

You know that moment when you just KNOW something, but you can’t explain it, but you absolutely know? Yeah, well this is one of those amazing times.

He seemed to be star struck too, because when Erin walked over to us, we were still looking at each other, just staring into each other’s eyes.

“Um, hello? Earth to Sofia!” Erin said, waving her hand in front of my head.

I finally remembered my own name, and snapped back into reality, and so did the boy.

Then I realized who he was.

His face turning red, he extended his right hand and said,

“Hi, I’m Harry. Harry Styles.”

Omg hey.

What up.

Please read my best friends story too!!

Thanks!! <3


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