Sleepless night {Daiki Arioka}

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The first ever one shot is for my best friend ErisaAyase I hope she and everybody else reading this likes it ♡

Pov: reader
It was exactly 2:42 in the morning when I've decided that there was no chance of sleeping tonight. I got out of bed, put on some slippers and walked away quietly so I wouldn't wake up my boyfriend Daiki, who was sleeping peacfully in our bed. I walked through the halls of our house, it was dark and quiet as I seemed to be the only thing alive just now. I wondered if, back then when I was a child, my dolls felt the same way when I was asleep, maybe they also walked through their dollhouse. I reached the kitchen. I turned in the light on and closed the door. I went to the kettle, filled it with water and started boiling it. I looked around the kitchen as I got a mug and some tea out of the cupboard. The kitchen was completely clean, it surprised me because after eating dinner I didn't ever bother to clean up. Since I didn't do it then, I wanted to clean up now but seems like Daiki did it already for me. I filled te boiling water in my mug with the tea bag. Since the day we started dating, Daiki always gave his best and somethimes I feel like I don't give enough in this relationship. Do I even deserve him? Am I good enough? What if he dosn't want me anymore because he puts so much more effort in us. And with this I fell into a dark hole of sadness, I started crying because the thought of Daiki leaving me or even just being unhappy with me broke my heart. I tried to think of something else but I couln't and started crying even more. This one thought cut deep into my mind and heart.

Pov: Daiki
Half asleep I rolled over in bed to take my girlfriend into my arms as I didn't feel her warm body next to mine. Nothing, there was nothing, the mattress beside me was empty. I opened my eyes and looked around the bedroom to find her but she wasn't there. I took a look at the the digital alarm-clock, the red glowing numbers told me that it was 3 a.m. Where is she? Is she okay? Did she leave my? I started panicking as I heard quiet crying from the kitchen. I jump out of the and ran to the kitchen, I saw light underneat the door and opened it. Then I saw her, crying in the kitchen floor. "What happened?" I ask. She didn't awnser, she didn't even know I was there so I walked over to her kneel down and took her into my arms.

Pov: reader
I suddenly feel too strong arms around me and looked up. It was him, Daiki, he is here. I cried "Daiki" I didn't manage to say more. "Shhh" he huged me tighter and tried to calm me down. I rested my head on his chest and calmed down, he always calms me down. I loved him so much, I love everything about him. "Did you have a nightmare?" he asked calm. "No" I said very quiet "I couln't sleep and just wanted to make me a cup of tea and clean up the kitchen but then I saw that you did it already" I sobbed "And that's why you crying? Because I cleaned up the kitchen for you? Alright I'll never do it again" he said confussed "Baka! I'm not crying because of that, I'm crying because you do so much for me and I feel like I don't do enough for you. I'm worried you'll break up because I'm not good enough!". He looked shooked "You? Not good enough? You're the Baka here. I love you so much and do all of these things because I want you to be happy. You're always so stressed and tired that's why I want to take some burden off your shoulders. You're more that good enough. You're the thing I love the most in the universe. You are my whole world" he kissed the top of my head and wiped away my tears. "Daiki I love you too" I kissed him. He returned the kiss and picked me up. He's so strong. He carried me to the bedroom and layed down in bed with me. As I now layed there in his strong arms I felt peace. Nothing but peace and love and with that, I fell asleep.

The next morning
Pov: reader
As I woke up, I had the feeling that it was just a dream. I got out of bed and walked to the kitchen. There it is! The mug.... so it wasn't a dream. I got sad again as I tought about what happened befor he saved me. He huged me from behind "Good morning pretty girl~♡" he kissed me on the cheek. I blushed "Good morning Dai-chan~" god I love this boy.

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