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Part 3: Hurricane

Time has never been so fast for Jeong-woo, it felt like yesterday since he met a beautiful man that slowly help him open up to the world.

"26th," he thought.

It was nearing 2 months since he first met the photographer, what's unusual is the latter is not disturbing him from time to time. There were days when he had come and stayed for only an hour, sometimes he would just disappear, and he will never see him again for the rest of the day. He is missing him, and he had been trying to decide if he will go to him first this time. It has been two days since he last saw the latter and he has been uneasy since then. Jeong-woo, still hesitant went to Haruto next door to check on him. He was about to knock when he noticed it was open. He gently pushed the door and a messy place welcomed him. Letters on the floor, a broken vase, he was terrified of what might have happened to the photographer given the state of the latter's place. He went inside and check on him only to find Haruto lying on the floor and a red cloth with a visible stain of blood beside him. It was a horrible sight and Jeong-woo does not know what to do, he went to Haruto and the latter slightly opened up his eyes finding the guy he'd been longing to see as well.

"J-Jeong-woo" a small smile formed on the latter face with an assurance of being held by the person he cherishes the most. A familiar figure welcomes Haruto the next day. Though the place is unfamiliar, he somehow has an idea of where it is.

"H–Hyung," he said.

"Where is he?" Haruto's eyes searched the man's figure in the place though hoping he would find him.

"What happened?" he asked his friend about the scene yesterday.

"You were unconscious, Jeong-woo found you on the floor when I called, he's the one who picked up startled unsure about what to do, I immediately book a flight here after I've known your condition getting worst," Yoshi responded leaving Haruto shocked.

"Y-you knew?" he asked.

"Of course, I knew, we knew each other for a very long time. I know everything, I know how you have refused on taking medications - whenever I tried to open it up, I could not find you. You always flew to different places I could not advise you. Why are you so stubborn Haruto? I understand it's not something you want to open up about, but I am your friend, why have you been doing this to yourself?" Yoshi said almost breaking down seeing his friend in pain.

"I-I'm sorry. I know it was a selfish move. I just thought - if I am, if I am dying then at least I was able to live my life to the fullest before I disappear. I was insensitive to not even think of the people I might leave behind." he confessed to Yoshi.

"Do you still feel that way Haruto?" Yoshi asked.

"I-I don't know. Hyung I- I don't want to go just yet," he said.

"Hyung you told me there is a fan meeting of Woo, there is none. Why did you say otherwise?" he asked Yoshi.

"Why do you think Haruto?" Yoshi asked.

"I've sent you here with the hope of you being enlightened. You always see the world as a beautiful place to enjoy, it is not bad to enjoy a life of course. But you see, there is more to life than beauty. There is also pain and love, I don't want you to forget those two essentials too - if you can't live your life without it, you'll never be fully satisfied and eventually - never find real happiness." Yoshi said.

"I want you to experience different emotions, whenever you read his works - it delights you because it's something new, you were hooked to the point of loving someone you never actually meet, you've sent him a message every day, mailed him every week. I have never seen you put so much effort into someone, he replied to us in your last letter. He read them. He has read all of it Haruto. That is how you too were able to meet. Because of your dedication to him and his appreciation for your efforts through your consistent letters."

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