Chapter 12

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The First Nome was completely different than what Percy had expected, not that he knew what to expect at all. He had been thinking something along the lines of a bunch of tents in the desert, or maybe something like one of the cities in Prince of Persia. A giant underground cavern brimming with people and all signs of life including water weren't what he expected at all.

"You didn't tell me there was an underground river here," said Percy softly to Carter. He was in a disguise that Bast must have stolen for him and consisted of a nondescript, homespun shirt and pants.

Carter's disguise was much like Percy's, but contained a burnoose to help hide his face. Carter had done something with their normal clothes, stashed them in his Duat locker, which as far as Percy could tell was a pocket in the air. He just hoped the other boy could get them out again when they needed them, because he didn't want to be stuck wearing such ugly threads any longer than he had to be.

"I forgot," Carter told him. "I was worrying about other things."

"A river is good," said Percy. "I can use a river."

"We also might be able to use it to escape," said Carter. "I know the spell makes you sick but it probably is the fastest way out of here."

"Unless Nico can shadow travel us."

"Don't count on that," cautioned Carter. "We don't know what sort of state we'll find them in."

"Nico's too valuable for them to risk killing."

"Or escaping," said Carter. "If it was me, I'd sedate him."

He was right, Percy knew, but didn't want to admit it. But as much as he didn't want to be subject to the river spell again, he was more concerned about putting Nico through it. What if he'd only survived it because he had the Curse of Achilles? What if it somehow unbalanced whatever powers Nico was managing to keep in alignment inside of himself and destroyed him? What if it left him curled up and crying in pain like just about every other freaky Egyptian thing seemed to be doing to him?

They followed Bast, who wove her way through the crowd in her cat shape. She led them over a bridge but Percy paused midway across.

"There are fish in here."

"Tiger fish," said Carter, softly. "They're like piranhas but bigger. Maybe you should rethink using the river in your strategy.

Son of the sea god! Son of the sea god!

It seemed that tiger fish liked Percy just as much as regular fish liked him.

"Or maybe it's exactly what we need," said Percy then sent his thoughts to the fish. Hey guys? What's up?

Son of the sea god!

He's talking to us!

Someone answer him!




He asked us a question!

He asked what is up.

The surface! The surface of the water is up!

"What are you doing?" asked Carter.

"Making some new friends."

Friends! He wants to be friends!

The son of the sea god wants to be our friend!

"Percy . . . are you sure that's a good idea?"

Percy nodded. "Sure it is. These guys are nice."

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