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Tour was an absolute blast. We came back about a week ago and I miss it. It was magical and entertaining. I needed to speak to Lily, I was desperate. She said I could meet my son when I Come back off tour but she still won't unblock my number meaning what she told me was a whole load of bull, and it angers me, upsets me.

"So Zach" Jack says snapping me out of my thoughts

"What" I say looking in his direction

"So when you seeing your kid?" Jack teases

"I don't know stop fucking asking you're pissing me off" I say as I stormed upstairs


"So Lily" my mom said approaching me

"Yeah" I say looking up from my phone

"Your farther and I... well we are kinda concerned about you"

"What do you mean?"

"Well youve seemed to have slipped into your old ways and you're starting to neglect you son" My mom was right, I had started drinking and had a smoke from time to time

"So your dad and I think it's best if you go seek some special help and we'll adopt and care for Levi" she says looking in my eyes

"You are not taking my son away from me" my voice tone rose as I stood up

"Alright lily love calm down okay" my dad says calmly placing his hand on my shoulder

"No get off me" I say rolling my shoulder causing his arm to fall down "You can do anything but you are not taking my son away from me" I yell as I run upstairs

I gently lifted Levi out of his crib before running back down the stairs

"Lily don't you dare leave"

"Watch me" I say as I slam the door shut and walked down the street with Levi cradled in my arms

"Lily please we can talk about this" I looked to my left and saw my mom and dad

"Are you seriously following me in the car?" I questioned

"We are just trying to do what's best for you, you're neglecting your son"

"I love my son I am not neglecting them" I yell looking at them

I soon reached their house and I gently ran up to the door, I harshly banged on the door, I looked behind me and saw my mom parking the car. The door swung open and I bathed past them entering the house. I put Levi in someone's arms and ran to Jonah

"Woah Lily what's wrong" Jonah says looking at me

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Jonah please let me come back I'll be good, I'll change please. They're trying to take Levi away please you have to help" I begged as streaks of tears ran down my face

"Wha-" he got cut off by a load knock on the door

"Don't answer it please, it's them they're going to take him, please Jonah" I slight screamed

"Hello" Jonah says answering the door

"Is Lily there? She needs to come home" My mom says

Tears streamed down my face, they were uncontrollable, I wiped my tears away before getting pulled into someone's chest, I looked up and saw Daniel. Daniel Seavey, the only one who understood me and helped me through tough situations.

"I'm sorry for leaving" I cry into his chest as he hushed me

"I'm sorry but she won't be going home" Jonah says

"I demand you to let lily go, she's our daughter"

"Well actually I have custody, since you put lily up for adoption I adopted her so she is staying with me not you" Jonah says slamming the door

"I'm sorry" I say as I buried my head into his chest

"It's okay, I knew you would come back" he said planting a kiss on my forehead

"Where's Levi" I say pulling away from Jonah in a panic

I quickly walked into the living room and saw Zach in the middle of Jack and Corbyn holding his Son. Zach smiled down at the baby causing Levi to smile back, it was perfect. They both looked so much alike. They were perfect together and I knew they would have a strong bond. But then guilt washed over me

"Im a monster" I say running back to Jonah

"What do you mean?" He asked concerned

"I stopped Zach from seeing his son for 5 months, I'm a monster how could I do that?" Tears threatened to spill from my eyes As I looked up at Jonah

"You are not a monster okay, you were just protecting your kid okay" I nodded

I walked back into the living room and saw that Zach and Levi had disappeared

"They've gone upstairs" Jack said before I started to panic


"He's beautiful Zach" Corbyn says patting my back

"He's perfect" I mumbled smiling down at him

Finally, after months of begging to see my son he's finally in my arms. He was gorgeous, perfect, words just couldn't explain the amount of love I had for him. I was going to treasure him, never let him go again.

"He seems tired so I think I'll take him upstairs" I say before standing up, cradling him in my arms

I sat on the bed and placed the small baby in between my spreaded legs

"I know we've just met but i love you very much. We are going to do so much things together and I will never ever let you leave me again, alright" I say stroking the small amount of hair on his head, he shone a small slight smile

"Is he in here" lily says walking in, I nodded

She came over and sat on the end of the bed and slightly stroked Levi's cheek.

"I'm sorry" she says looking up

"No I'm sorry, I was a complete idiot. The way I spoke to you, the way I treated you was totally not okay and I can't help but feel guilty" she smiled at me

"But at least we are now a perfect little family" I smiled at her causing her to smile back

Lust took over my body and then next thing you know I'm leaning in. I kissed her, she kissed back. Jesus Christ why did I do that?!

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