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I was around 22 weeks pregnant meaning today was the day we got to find out the gender of our second child; well it was more like we go for a check up and have the doctor write down the gender for a gender reveal party which was being organised by Abbie. I was going to get one of the boys do it but I know that as soon as they find out they'd tell everyone and it would no longer be a surprise.

This was Zachs first time coming to the baby's scan, and it was very obvious he was excited, however I had already attended a couple with Myta and of course Levi came along to see the baby to.

"I'm so excited" Zach smiles as we climbed out of the car.

"Me too" I say as I held his hand and walked into the doctors office

We checked in and waited around 20 minutes until finally getting called in. I was excited yet nervous so was Zach as his grip tightened around my hand.  The doctor does the normal introduction and then applied the jelly like substance onto my bare skin. It took her a solid minute to find the heart beat which began to worry Zach as he thought they'd find it straight away. And then, loud echoes of a thudding noise appeared into the room.

"That's our baby" he smiles softly as his eyes began to water

"Oh you big baby" I giggled

"So the gender, do you want to know or are you keeping it a surprise" She asked

"Would there be any chance you could put it in an envelope or something?" I asked

"Yes that's absolutely fine" she smiled and within a few minutes we left


The whole experience blew my mind, my baby on the small screen, their heart beat melted me. It made me feel emotional and happy, and all these other types of feelings.

"I can't wait for the gender reveal party, I'm too excited" Lily smiled

"Can't wait until we find out we are having a girl" I say with a smug look

"Definitely another boy"

"Hmm alright bet, you say boy I say girl what ever gender it is has to give the loosing one 20 dollars"

"Oh you're on Zachary"

Yeah I guess it's wrong to bet on your baby's gender but to be honest I couldn't care, as long as I had a happy and healthy baby that's all I cared about although if it was a girl it would be an added bonus. The whole bet was for a bit of fun, lily needed cheering up as the pregnancy was getting a bit too tough on her.


It was finally here, the day of the gender reveal party! I was beyond excited. 4 long fucking days of waiting of what gender my baby was. We decided on a dress code: blue if you think it was a bit and pink if you think it was a girl. Obviously I had to represent the blue for a boy, and zach wore a light pink hoodie.

"He's wearing pink" Zach says throwing the blue shirt in my hands across the other side of the room and showing Levi a pink one

"Zach!" I say lightly raising my voice as I walked over to pick up the shirt.

"He wants a sister don't you" zach says

"No" Levi replies back to him

"Ha! See! Told you! You want a brother don't you Levi?"

"No" he smiles

"He doesn't understand" I sigh

"Anyways do the pink shirt" Zach says holding it up with a big grin

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