Chapter Six

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Kagome looked at the tree in wonder, she didn't know trees could talk. Blinking she thought, 'I guess you learn something new everyday.' She looked and saw none of the others were reacting to it, so maybe she was the only one who heard it.

She shook her head and let herself be pulled through the tree opening and the open area where villagers were gathering. They looked at them with hate and disgust, as Kagome and Jake were pulled farther and farther in.

The size of the tree on the inside amazed both Kagome and Jake, the light of the cook-fires giving light around the room. In front was a vast cylindrical gallery, a living cathedral. There were clear membranes, filled with bioluminescent insects acting as area lighting. The central space had an enormous skull of an enormous creature, adorned with embroidery on a totem. Standing in front of it was another Na'vi, probably the clan leader from his posture and the long chest mantle decorated with claws like the Thanator they had ran away from earlier.

Kagome watched as the leaders stern features clouded over with anger, disgusted that the two of them, dream walkers, were in his home.

Neytiri greeted him, stepping ahead of them to do so, "Father...I see you..."

Kagome blinked as she heard the langaue again, she still didn't know how was it she could understand them, her frown stayed on her face as she watched the man Neytiri called father walked forward to get a better look at us. By the look of his face he was still not liking the idea of them in his home.

He turned to his daughter, his voice clear as it sounded through the Home-tree or the Kelutral as Kagome remembered it was called in the learning guide, " These creatures, why do you bring them here?"

"I was going to kill them, but there was a sign from Eywa," Neytiri answered, not backing down when her father glowered at her as he responded, pointing at Jake and Kagome, "I have said no Sky people will come here, to offend our home! Their alien smell fills my nose."

Hearing this Kagome slightly twitched, thinking 'smell...well sorry.' Turning her attention back to the two she watched as Neytiri stayed silent for a couple seconds before answering. in a respectful but non-submissive voice, "Father, many Atokirina have come to these aliens."

"What's going on?" Jake asked Neytiri, voice filled with confusion and curiosity.

Neytiri turned to him, frown adoring her face, "My father is deciding whether to kill both of you," She was blunt when saying this as if it was the most obvious thing.

Shocked at her reply, Jake exclaimed, "Your Father?" Jake turned to the male leader that was in-front of them, offering his hands in a hand shake, "Uh, it's good to meet you, sir."

Kagome looked at him wide eyed, as he took another step forward, 'Is he that much of an idiot!' her mind screamed, as he was quickly restrained by hunters, shouting at him. Inwardly groaning Kagome just stood back, Jake seemed to be getting into trouble no matter what. She should of told him to stay still and don't talk unless spoken too. Sadly, she didn't.

Everyone in the Home-tree froze as a commanding female voice sounded through it, "Step Back!"

Kagome looked up to see a female Na'vi, staring down from the second level. Her outfit was elaborate, signifying her rank as the Clan Matriarch, clad in a red upper garment, "I will look at these aliens."

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