home (not) sweet home

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Cyrus pov

The bell rang. The school was so great today. In between classes and Jonah would meet up at our 'special spot' and just hang out.

End of the prologue:

I make my way to my locker and find Buffy there talking to Jonah. I'm glad they are getting along.

"Hey, Buffy," I say and then smile at Jonah.

"Hey, b-..." He looks at Buffy, who seems to notice that Jonah is stuttering his words. "Cyguy." He says.

Jonah walks up behind me as I'm in my locker and wraps his hands around my waist and hugs me from behind. Not caring that people are looking.

I feel my heart start beating. I get nervous and anxious about what people think.

I turn around and push Jonah off of me gently.

Jonah realizes what he had done, and quickly apologizes. "I am sorry. I didn't mean....I....uh..." I just shake my head.

"I know. I-I...Fu-...uh. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you. But... I'm just not ready...to let everyone know." Jonah nods, completely understanding.

"Completely understandable. I'm sorry. I pushed past your comfort zone. Too far. I shouldn't have done that."

I push close to Jonah, his face in shock at how close I am to him in public. I, against my own words, pushed closer and kissed him. A peck, but I kissed him. IN PUBLIC!

Jonah and I stand there, looking at each other, and I end up noticing everyone's shocked expression. The school Sunbeam is an lgbt+ member.

"S-sorry," I say, pulling away and going to my locker. I pack everything and grab my journal.

Jonah surprised me by pressing me against the locker lightly and kissing me. In front of everyone.

He pulled away but stayed close to my face. "Trust me," he said in almost a whisper, "it's fine." I felt my heart beat through my chest, and couldn't believe what just happened. I just came out. To everyone. In the school. Because of Jonah. He helped me.

"T-t-thank you..." He smiles slightly and kisses me again.

"You're a very welcome, nervous cutie." That was so corny, Jonah. So corny. My God.

"Cringey," I say and laugh, going back to my locker, dropping my journal in it, and putting the lock on it.

I turn to Jonah, who has to stay for frisbee practice.

"I'd love to stay, trust me, but I can't," I say, hugging Jonah.

"It's okay. Go home. But hey, you better text me."

"I-I will. I'll probably even call you." I say, laughing uncontrollably.

I may seem happy, but on the inside, I'm terrified. Terrified to even step foot on my property.

I run up to Jonah one last time for today and kiss him. He kisses back immediately. And I feel safe. Again. I pull away, trying to catch my breath. And once I do. I said something that I thought was too early to say, but I didn't care.

"I-... I love you." I felt heat rush to my face as Jonah stared.


Jonah hugged me. Tight. "I love you too. I wish you could spend the night. Can you possibly sneak out tonight? I want to take you somewhere. It's something special."

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