Sunbeam fade

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Cyrus pov

Monday Morning
December 22, 2020
6:15 am

My eyes flutter open slowly, my eyes burning from not adjusting to the brightness of the sun just yet.

After they do adjust though, I spot Jonah. He's awake, just smiling at me.

"Morning, beautiful." He says. I instantly blushed, feeling my lips soar from the harsh kissing and another thing that happened last night.

"G-good morning," I stutter out "How l-long w-were you awake s-stalking me in my sleep?" I laugh at my nervousness.

"Well, I've only been awake for about 5 minutes. Also, I notice you're still very very nervous. After last night, I figured you would have battled your stuttering." He laughs, playfully punching me before leaning forward and kissing my swollen lips.

I kissed back, feeling a new soreness in the back of my throat. Probably

"Jonah," I say. He stops halfway toward the bathroom, turning around in his boxers.

"Yea, babe?" I stare at his bare chest, before licking my lips.

"My throat is pretty sore..." I manage to croak out. Feeling the burn in the back of my throat.

Jonah smiles sympathetically. Before turning around and heading into the bathroom.

I sit there, waiting for him to come back to the bedroom.

He did so, with some Tylenol, and throat sore medicine. (a/n, I forgot what it's called 👌🏻🙄🤣)

He sits beside me, comforting me. "Here," he hands me the medicine and a Tylenol. "Take these. It should help. I'll go get you some water. Sit tight, baby." He kisses my cheek. I grab him before he could walk away.

I pull him down on top of me, attacking him with kisses. He laughs and kisses my lips, before tickling me, causing me to have a laughing fit.

"I love you..." I say to him. He replies by licking his lips and then whispering in my ear.

"I know," he whispers, causing shivers to travel from head to toe. "And I love you too. I'd be very sad if you didn't love me after what happened last night."

He kisses my neck and gets closer to my face. "Now, I'mma go take a shower. Join if you feel comfortable. If not, it's okay. But you're gonna take one after me, then. Okay?"

I stand up with him, and head towards the bathroom, before grabbing Jonah's hand. He stops and turns around, looking at me.

"You're coming in with me?" He asks, arching his eyebrows.

I nod my head continuously. "I-i already saw you n-naked," I blush and look down, the image of his body popping up into my head, I shake my head and close my eyes, trying to get the image out. "So I figured why not." I shrug my shoulders and turn the shower on, the heat of the water causing instant steam to fog the relatively small shower room.

I turn to Jonah and smile, my lips stinging a little. Jonah walks over and cups my face in his hands, gently placing kisses on my lips. Too quick for me to react.

Before I knew it, my arms were wrapped around Jonah's neck, bringing our faces closer.

"We...have to go to school today...?" I said, not knowing if I was asking, or saying.

Jonah nodded his head while pulling down his boxers.

I tried my complete best not to let my eyes wander but failed when Jonah caught me looking down, seemingly at the floor, but I knew he knew what and where I was looking at.

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