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When Erin came back, he had a book in his hand and a smile on his face. I looked curious at him. "Juliet, do you want me to read a story to you again?“, he asked and I giggled. He started to read. This time the story was about a monster which wanted to be nice but didn't know how. So it searched around but every monster it met was bad and didn't wanted to help him, so it got sad. One day it met a boy and he was scared of it but it told him there was no reason to. It was trying to be nice and it wondered of the boy could help him. They became friends and the monster finally knew how to be nice.

I didn't liked the story. I didn't liked monsters. Even if they tried to be nice. I cried because I was upset. Erin put the book away and lifted me up to cuddle with me. I liked that more. Then he layed me back in my crib and asked if I was hungry. I giggled and he already knew that this meant yes. So he went into the kitchen to make some milk warm. He came back with a bottle of milk and gave it to me. I drank it and liked it. Then he asked if I wanted to listen to some music but I didn't know. What kind of music would that be? Erin turned on some nice piano music and wanted to know if I liked it. I just smiled and closed my eyes. After a while I fell asleep.

When I woke up again there still was music but it changed to some soft drum music. I looked around but I was alone in the room. Where were Erin and Christina?

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