What is Family?

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My phone was dead and I knew that Lisa was trynna get in contact with me. It's been a day since my mother was killed and day since I been in this shitty ass hospital. Both of my aunts Theresea and Jasmine came and saw me. They suggested that I come stay with them to make sure that I was safe. I refused because once I get the fuck up out of this Hospital im gonna be on my own and find my Queen's killer.

"Mr.Right" says Dr.Kwok as he entered my room.

"Thats my name" I replied.

"Well your stress level has came down and you showed a a lot of progress. Due to that you are able to go home and once again im sorry for your lost."

"ight Thanks Doc" I replied.

I took a shower in the hospital and put on the clothes that my aunt had brought by for me. My aunt Jasmine really has good taste she brouht me Black True Religion Jeans with a white Burberry shirt and my Infrared 3's. After I was I done getting dressed I grab all of my things and then walked to the front desk where the nurses were so I can sign my discharge papers.


I was really worried about Deyquan so I went to his house I rung the doorbell but no answer. I called his phone and it immediately went to voicemail. So I decided to wait outside to see if he would come in or out. It was about 2:30 in the afternoon when I saw a cab pulling up infron of his house so I stood up trynna see wo it was. just my luck I seen Deyquan getting out of the cab and I ran to him with tears running down my face.

"Dey listen I heard what happend to mommy im sor-..." I got cut off

"Listen Lisa just wait to we get inside please" he said.

I nodded my head to show that I undersood. As we were walking throught the door and he shut it, he broke down and started crying. I went to his side rubbing my fingers across his head tellin him that it's going to be okay and to let it all out. We sat on the floor for about 30 mins until he sudenly stopped crying and fell asleep on my chest. I decided to go to sleep to.

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