Chapter 5

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Archer's Point of View

'What the heck is this girl doing to me?!' Archer swallowed, biting his lip as the clip cut ever so slightly deeper into his skin.

"Listen, Ry-" Archer's breath caught in his throat as a thin stream of blood trickled down his throat.

"Don't call me that! You don't get to call me that. Where is Bear?!" Archer remained silent, if he breathed to heavily the clip would cut deeper.

"With all do respect, I doubt he can talk with you stabbing him in the throat." Archer groaned inwardly as Scout snickered behind him.

"Who are you?" Ry asked.

"This is Scout-"

"She didn't ask you, Scout." Scout sneered at Hunter before holding out a hand and flashing a wide smile, "I'm Scout." Ry glared at him but backed away from Archer who winced and wiped away the blood from his neck.

"You're name's Ry, right?" Scout moved towards Riley, who continued to move backwards. Her eyes were wide as she glanced around the room, a wild animal realising they're trapped.

"Not to you." She replied through gritted teeth.

"Scout, leave her be." Archer said, Scout ignored him.

"Well whatever your name is, we all have some questions." Ry's back was against the wall, Scout stopped right in front of her, "Like how a pretty, weak, little thing like you could survive all on your own."

"Get...away...from me." Her voice came out in a shaky whisper, a ghost of the confident tone she had used only moments ago. Scout smirked and bent down so his nose was almost touching Ry's. Archer's hands curled into fists but he knew he couldn't hurt Scout without Chief handing out a hefty punishment.

"What are you going to do if I don't?"

'Come on! Do something!' Archer begged in his mind. If she didn't prove she could stand up for herself, she wouldn't survive the next hour.

Riley's Point of View

Something in Scout's eye left Riley feeling uneasy and scared. She could have easily taken him down, his extra head in height didn't make a difference. But something told Riley this was someone she did not want to make angry, despite Archer's words. Scout continued to stare at her intently before smirking and turning to were Archer was standing.

"What's Chief going to do with a mouse like her? She doesn't stand a chance." Archer glared at him and opened his mouth to say something when two more boys stepped through the doorway. Scout immediately stepped away from Riley and Archer stood up straight.

"Chief." Archer said respectively. One of the boys was taller than all of them, which was never usually a surprise to Riley as she was slightly short for her age, but this boy almost had to duck to get through the door. He had a scowl fixed on his mouth and Riley's eyes widened at the the bulging muscles on his arms and legs. The other boy was the same height as Archer, but the way he carried himself to Riley he clearly thought of himself as higher than all of them.

"Archer, Scout." The boy said slowly, "I sent both of you up here to get her, and you both, some how, failed." Scout was quick to respond.

"Archer almost got his voice box taken out, I stopped her. Also I really don't think you should waste your time keeping her around, she's a terrified." Riley scowled at him and stepped away from the wall, cursing herself for not punching Scout in the face.

"Where's my brother?!" She demanded, making sure her voice came out loud and even.

"I'm afraid that's not how this works. I ask the questions, you tell the truth and I decide what to do with you." The tall, scowling boy, who Riley assumed was Bruiser, walked up to her and pushed her forward. Riley opened her mouth to argue, but suddenly caught Archer's eye, he was shaking his head slightly, a fearful look in his eye. Riley huffed and walked forward, biting her lip to stop herself from lashing out at Scout as he knocked her shoulder. She was lead out of her room and down a corridor, Bruiser behind her, Scout uncomfortably close to her left and Archer on her right, with Chief leading the way. They walked down a long, steep, flight of rusty steps, receiving a rough nudge from Bruiser every two steps to remind her to keep moving. Scout noticed this and subtly stood on the edge of her left foot, the momentum of going down stairs mixed with the push from Bruiser sent her careening forward. Riley's breath caught in her throat as she crashed into the railing, which gave away almost immediately under her weight. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as Riley heard Archer yell as he tried to grab her, his fingers closed around thin air. Riley's arm shot up on instinct, her hand found part of the broken railing, only attached by one hinge. She screamed as the stitches in Riley's side ripped open, blood seeped through her clothes as Archer got down on his belly and tried to pull her up.

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