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Me Jackson,grayson and Austin were on our way to the airport listening to music singing our hearts out(there mom was already in Florida)
When we got to the airport we i'm through security. After we went through security we went and got food. Soon as we were done eating our plane got called. So we whent and got on the plane. The seat order was me by the window Jackson beside me Grayson beside Jackson and Austin on the end.The plane was about to take so I texted my mom.


Mom🥰:hey sweetie
Paige:hey mom
Mom🥰: how are you and the boys
Paige: good The plane is about to takeoff
Mom🥰:ok please text me when you land and stay safe
Paige: we will mom love you
Mom🥰:love you to bye

I put my AirPods in and fell asleep on Jackson shoulder. I woke to some one shaking me awake. It was Jackson. He woke me up cause he knew if he woke me up I would mad. I looked at him as if I wanted to kill him

Jackson POV
Paige fell asleep on my shoulder. I let her sleep for about an hour. Then I wanted to be mean so I woke her up. When she woke up she looked like she wanted to kill me and I got scared.


P: Jackson what the hell is wrong with you
J: nothing I just wanted to be a btich and wake you up.
P: I'm getting payback btich
J: what are you gunna do
P: you don't wanna know trust me

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