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Paiges POV

We got to the airport it was 7:17pm. We leave at 11:30. Out plane got delayed by and hour and a bit. I just sat by my self in a corner And went on Twitter for a bit

Social media's are


Sometimes is wish I was dead

User1543: what's wrong paige?
Hater: I wish you were dead
Jacksonnfelt: it's ok sis it happens. It will be ok. Just don't let it ruin tour ily-Jackson
Reply to Jacksonnfelt: Paigefelt: you are my favourite brother ily
Austinfelt: hey I thought I was your favourite brother.
Reply to austinfelt: Paigefelt: never



Lady: flight 56 is now boarding

J: hey it's time to go
P: ok I call window
J: k I call middle lets go

Paiges POV

The flight is 5 hours long. And there isn't much to do. Except sleep, make TikToks, talk or go on your phone.I fell asleep on Jackson's shoulder about an hour in to the plane ride

J: your finally awake
P: how long did I sleep
J: I don't know like 45 minutes
P: oh ok

I'm so happy I moved( ryland storms story)Where stories live. Discover now