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Paiges POV

It was 5:35am when Jackson's alarm went off. 

P: shut it off jayyyy
J: k chill. You know It's going to be like this for the rest of tour right
P: ugh
Pa: remember what Jackson said you can't leave the hotel room unless me or Jackson are with you
P: I know I won't leave chill
Pa: ok just making sure you know
P: well I know. Y'all are so overprotective
Payton&jackson: laugh
J: well Payton's we should start getting ready
Pa: ok

2 and a half hours later

J: are you ready payton
Pa: ya
P: guys what's that smell
J: it's what a guy smells like get used to it
P: ok chill

Paiges POV
I was sitting on the bed on my phone. When I got a call from a random number

Man= M
Paige= P
Keythan= K

M: hi Paige
P: who's this
M: I'm the guy you met at the gym yesterday
P: how did you get my number
M: your ex keythan
K: hi Paige
P: what do you want keythan
K: I want you back I miss you
P: well I don't want you back
K: we will find where you are trust me
P: bye

After I got the call I Went into a corner and cried

Skip till after tour( sorry for such a bit skip)

J: Paige were back
Pa: Paige
J: Paige where are you
P: over here
J: what's wrong sis
P: the guy that was at the gym yesterday knows keythan and he wants me back
J: well when we leave lock all doors and call me every 10 minutes
P: ok I will
J: ok

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