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A/N: Hi! This is the introduction/prologue to the book! This is Book 2 of Different Dimensions, the book that started my whole writing hobby and the thing I made my friends with! For this book, I have added two extra origins series; Originz (Cause why not?) and Fallout Origins(If anyone remembers this series XD). Also, most characters from Fallout will be OOC (out of character) cause I don't remember what happens or what they act like...

The ships? You'll have to read on to find out what they are ;3. I am also ignoring their ages for this one and it all happens a few months after OoO and FTO Mario's get back to their dimensions. 

Also, to clear some stuff up from the last book. In that book, I called FTO David 'Daveed' and OOO Daveed 'David'. In this book, it will be FTO David and OOO Daveed. :3 just so I don't confuse you guys again.

Now, enough of me explaining and talking about crap, ON TO DA PROLOGUE!!


Origins of Olympus...

(Xylo's POV)

'I can't believe it... I actually confessed and... they accepted me! I must be the luckiest demigod in camp to be in a relationship with two of the most beautiful beings on Earth...'  I chuckled at the thought in my head as I turned to face my lovely boyfriend and girlfriend.  We were walking around camp, just talking about anything that comes to our minds. I was holding Mario's right hand while Kaykrae had his left, so he was in the middle of us, happily swinging our arms around as we walk. It was a bright sunny day, so it surprised us quite a bit when a sudden gust of wind came from behind us. Kaykrae and I turned around to see where the wind came from, but there wasn't anything there until we hear a loud yelp coming from the lightning bean that was no longer between us.

We quickly turn our heads to see Mario hanging onto a tree for dear life as a portal was trying to suck him in again. Kay flew over and grabbed Mario's left arm while using her wings to pull him back. I ran behind Mario and tried pushing him in front of Kay so she can hold him with her wings. This didn't exactly go to plan because another invisible gust of wind forcefully ripped Mario out of our arms, not affecting either me or Kaykrae. Mario was pulled into me, knocking me to the ground while he flew towards another portal.

"NO!!" Kaykrae screamed as she tried to fly over to grab him but... she was too late. Once she arrived at the portal, Mario was already through and the portal had closed completely, leaving her to slowly float back to the ground.

I managed to get up and walked over to her, only to realize she was on the verge of crying. Wrapping my arms around her, I whispered. "As much as I miss him too, I don't like seeing people bottle up their emotions so, just let it all out." Once I finished, she wrapped her arms around my waist, burying her head in my chest and cried her heart out. Even a few tears spilled from my eyes. 

'I'm seriously gonna murder the people who keeps on stealing the precious lightning bean... Once I find them, they are gonna enjoy a nice, slow, painful death for hurting MY beans...'

(Brandeen's POV)

"... And then I said 'it is NOT my problem if your dumb brain gets attracted by a siren!'" Mitch finished up his story with all of us laughing along. When I mean all of us, I mean me, Daveed, Bryan, Inmo and himself (Mitch). I was lying on Daveed's chest, quite literally about to go to sleep. Suddenly, he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I looked up to question his actions but he just smiled softly at me. "You can sleep if you like~"

I smiled quietly back at him before burying my head in his chest to go to sleep, when I had a weird feeling that something bad was about to happen...

A Universal Switch (FTO and OoO Crossover) **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now