Chapter 1

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A/N: HIIIIIIII, this story hasn't been updated in awhile so here's a chapter out of my pure boredom -w-. I've been very distracted these past few weeks so, I may have kinda forgotten to update this chapter? Sorry XD. BUT, I shall make up for it now UwU

P.S MILD SWEARING! :3. I'm sorry but I have gotten into the terrible habit of swearing in voice calls with specific people (not naming any names) so it was really hard not to swear while writing. As you can tell~ 


-----Prologue Thing-----
It has been about a week since the four apocalypse survivors, two magic users, two demigods and two supernatural creatures had been kidnapped and thrown through mysterious portals, each taking them to different universes that where their homes are. Guess you could call it A Universal Switch...

It was a dark room, only a lantern and 10 individuals lay unconscious within the darkness. Suddenly, one certain white-haired individual groaned and was the first to raise his head from the weirdly solid floor. After stretching a bit, he stood up, at first a bit wobbly, but soon enough his legs were strong enough to hold him up. The magic user looked around, faintly seeing 9 other males around the room. Five of them looked nearly exactly like the cavern dragon slayer of his guild, Mario, except one of them WAS Mario. The other four showed little resemblances of himself but not much. Brandon could only assume that they were his and Mario's counterparts from different dimensions, kind of like how dragon slayer Mario and demigod Mario were swapped. Now he's guessing that him and the other nine individuals in the room were gonna be switched as well.

Getting a closer look, one of the Mario's was a werewolf, one was a military man by the looks, one was the dragon slayer, one had a green wreath on his head, which actually looked familiar, and one looked like he was from an apocalypse. From the Brandon's, one was himself, one looked like an emo angel, one had blue hair, one had white hair as well but it faded to red instead of grey, and the last one had brown hair. 'This is so confusing...' Brandon Diablos thought to himself, getting a headache from all the other versions of himself and Mario.

In another corner of the room, the apocalypse lookin Mario groaned as well, getting up from his place on the dark floor, doing exactly what magic Brandon was doing. He did not know any of the other people here, except for one... Brandon watched as the other version of Mario's eyes widened as he jumped up from his spot and raced over to one of the sleeping Brandon's, curiosity was set in his mind. 'They must be from the same dimension then if they know each other.'

"Brandon, wake up." Apocalyptic Mario started to shake the brown-haired Brandon, panic was clear in his figure. Magic Brandon looked over to Dragon Mario, debating whether to wake him up or not. Sighing out of being defeated by his own mind, the poncho-wearing guild leader walked over to his guild member, poking him then shaking him gently. 'Gosh he's a deep sleeper... Ritchie would be awake by now.' As Brandon thought about his twin, it kind of down his mood when he realised that he wouldn't be able to see his brother for a while if he goes to a different universe.

Suddenly a groan was heard from the shaken Brandon as he started to stir, his eyes fluttering open to show their chocolate brown colour to the world. His eyes wandered around the room until they landed on a certain black-haired individual who was next to him, hands on his chest and his black eyes filled with tears. "H-Hey, Mario-" Apocalyptic Mario didn't hesistate to hug Brandon with a death grip, finally releasing the previous panic he had in his system. Chocolate hair Brandon was happy to see his Mario again, but winced, finally remembering that he was shot in the shoulder just previously.

"OWWW THAT FECKING HURTS!!" Half-Synth Brandon yelled and winced, holding his shoulder with his hand when Mario quickly let go, not without throwing a concerned glance at his boyfriend. Unknowing that this yelling woke up the other 7 humans, well, mostly humans, that were in the room.

A Universal Switch (FTO and OoO Crossover) **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now