Chapter 2 (FTO)

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A/N: Yes this book hasn't been updated in over a month or two or three now, I get it. Not many people may read my books than there were before but that's just expected of me to be honest. I haven't really been on discord as much since when I first started writing. BUT!! But. I do hope that I am on more recently and that I actually update more of my books more often. That being said, chapter 8 of pokemon is actually being planned right now as well as Skyview. This book, I'm still searching and trying to come up with ideas for each of the different series in this. I still have to re-watch Fallout, maybe SNO, and sadly OZ ;-;. FTO and OoO I'm quite comfortable to write since I wrote them in the last book :D. Soooo, time to start da second chapter :).

P.S: Each Mario and Brandon have a nickname :3.

FTO Mario: Rocky, FTO Brandon: Sky Rocket, OoO Mario: Sparky, OoO Brandeen: Brandeen -w-, SNO Mario: Alpha, SNO Brandon: Toffee, FO Mario: Lickity Split, FO Brandon: Synth, OZ Mario: MarZ, OZ Brandon: Leo -w-


(No one's POV)

'Lord, what the hell was that dream? Other counterparts, different dimensions? Wait... Brandon! Where the hell my synth?!'  Mario got up his spot that he had been laying on the ground, a headache forming in his brain as he quickly stood up. He looked around for a moment, only to realise that he definitely wasn't home because his home was a freaking nuclear apocalypse while this place was lush with greenery and colours, not the dead wasteland that he was used to. The survivor had another realisation when he realised that his partner, his lovely other half Brandon, wasn't with him either. Mario started to freak out and run around the garden, calling for Brandon. Instead, he was met with a giant white building that had overgrown vines growing on it, covering it with more lush greenery. 

Mario thought for a moment. He hasn't seen plants or living things since the bomb hit the ground, which was around 6 or 7 months before he was teleport here, also about a week or two before he got together with the synth of his small run down town. Shaking his head from the wandering thoughts, the black-haired male walked to the front door where he stopped when he heard talking. 'Someone's inside? Definitely sounds like more than one person... They sound kind of familiar.' Mario decided that he should just stop snooping in on their conversation and just walk through the god damn doors. Who knows, these people might know where he is and could help him find his boyfriend, that's if Johnny doesn't come out to play, boi that would be a disaster-

"Deep breath and..." Mario pushed open the door and their was silence. The seven people that were inside stopped what they were doing and looked over to the entrance of the guild hall, eyes widening at who they saw. The person at the door on the other hand, he looked at everyone confused. 'What in the world are they wearing? Why has he got no shirt on and is that a green cat? Who are these people and where the hell am I?' His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the shirtless dude shout his name, hurriedly getting off his seat and running over to where Mario was standing. Mario, on reflex, took out his laser rifle and shot a warning towards the ice mage, making him stop instantly and he looked shocked and hurt. Mario wanted to take no risks of letting Johnny out, especially in a random place he's never seen or heard of. "M-Mario?"

"S-Stay back, I don't know you... any of you actually. Who are you and how do you know my name?" 'Mario said very confused on what the fudge was going on. 'How in the world do these random people recognise me and why does that shirtless dude know my name?! Wait-' It all makes sense now... "Wait... Oh frick! I'm in an alternate dimension where my counterpart is called Mario, right?" Everyone's confused and shocked faces slowly faded into more faces of realisation when they realised that this has happened before, just with another different Mario.

A Universal Switch (FTO and OoO Crossover) **ON HOLD**Where stories live. Discover now