Chapter 3 (OZ)

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A/N: Yeet and finally! I have updated this chapter uwu. I guess you can say I'm in a writing mood? Kind of? Idk XD. But anyways! Here is the next chapter to this apparently long story ;w;. Each chapter will be for a different universe! Last time it was the FTO universe, this time it is the OZ universe! Next will be OOO, then SNO and lastly FO. There is no reason for this order but meh XD.

P.S: I found out something confusing for the FTO universe but we aren't gonna say that until the next FTO chapter uwu. For now, enjoy this :D.


(OOO Mario's POV)

A low grumble was heard in the dead of night, the sound of rustling leaves faded into the whistles of the wind. Footsteps were growing louder as I ran like my life depended on it... because it did. Freaking Zombies. I had to be teleported into a hoard of freaking zombies. Like seriously? Can't I go back to that place Atlantide? Or even back home to my lovely boyfriend and girlfriend?! Apparently not! Instead, I was teleported into the middle of a huge group of walking corpses. I tried to kill a few by striking them with lightning bolts out of fright, but more came from the loud noise my power made, so I decided to run to wherever was safer than this place.

'Come on, come on, come on! I should find at least SOMEONE while running! That's if I can run any longer!! I pondered to myself as I continued running as far as my little bean legs could take me. It surprised me that I was able to run this far without them giving out on me, but I think it's just the shock and adrenaline that came with the initial reason I was running; zombies. Also, I knew that if I stopped to take a break, I would probably get swarmed immediately. So, running through the trees was the best option for me right now.

-=-=-=-=-5 Minutes Later-=-=-=-=-

"Man, do zombies just never give up?! H-How long can they run for?!" I blurted out as I was starting to run out of breath from running away from the undead corpses. Legs were aching, head was hurting and my lungs were burning, but I couldn't stop, not until I was safe from these freaking zombies. I know my legs were gonna give out at any moment, but I was gonna die if I stopped! Me being the emotional bean I am, tears appeared in my eyes at the thought of being erased from existence. Suddenly, I felt my foot get caught on something on the ground and I looked down, only to pale when I see a tree branch wrapped around it. I was stuck... 

"N-No, I can't be s-stuck!! G-Get off me!!" I yelled panickedly, vigorously trying to shake this goddamm branch off my foot before the chasing hoard of zombies get to me first. The thought of using my powers to burn the branch off didn't even come to my mind. It didn't help that more tears had started to flow down my cheeks, my breath became ragged as I started to panic even more. Just then, my legs gave out and I collapsed to the ground towards the zombies.

'This is it! T-This is how I die... I can't even see Kaykrae and Xylo again! I'm just going to die in an unknown world where nobody knows where I am! I'm going to be forgotten and erased from existence!' I blurrily watched as the zombies creeped closer to me, their yellow and red teeth showing hunger for my flesh and bones. Knowing that this was the end of me, I curled into a ball and held the top of my head with my hands as my breathing became more unsteady, tears would not stop flowing and I began to sob. If the zombies didn't get me, by some miracle, I was still stuck in the tree branch, so I would probably die by starvation, dehydration or the zombies would just come by later on. I closed my eyes, waiting for my inevitable ending to come and eat me up... but it never did.

Gun fires were sounding off behind me, footsteps were getting closer but I could only just vaguely hear them as they were drowned out by the increasingly louder sound of my heart beating a million miles per hour. Something brushed itself on my shoulder and the sudden contact to the foreign object made me screech in sheer terror, flailing my arms about as an attempt to protect myself. Something else managed to grab my wrists in a sturdy grip and turned me around, presumably making me face towards them. "Ar...o...ight?" I couldn't quite make out on what they were saying, everything was still drowned out from my breathing and my heart pumping. I think they continued to communicate with me cause my vision barely but slowly cleared up a little, just enought to make out two figures in front of me; black and ginger being the only colours I can see from them.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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