A White Star

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Theres not really much after that. We ran for the mountains in the distance. When the children would lag behind, we would pick them up and continue running. When several of them became fatigued, we shifted into our wolf forms and gave them rides.

I followed my father into the mountains, trailing behind him. Meridith and her girlfriend, Hope, were riding on my back, making sure that the little kids didnt fall off. Emma and Caleb were behind me, carrying more kids. Behind them were Mr. Cew and Calebs father, who had a gray pelt streaked with white stripes like a tiger.

We stopped at the base of the mountains, which I realized were huge. My father turned to me, his fur a russet-gold color, and said, We will rest here. Not even the FAWE can travel this far so quickly. I nodded, and gave the order to the others.

We set up camp there. Emma gave me some paper to write all of this down. When I gave her a weird look, she said, The path you walk will burn down the world. I smiled at her, and answered, No. The path I walk will bring light to the darkness.

My friend smiled at me, her human eyes alight with a wolfish fire. Then make sure you write down everything; you might as well be a star while you can. A white star, the star of guidance.

I stared at her, then bent over the paper. I started writing down my story, which youve been reading through.

I dont know what waits for me and my friends in the mountains. I dont know if the Giratina will follow me, their prophesied WhiteBlood. I dont know how the Giratina will treat the FAWE children.

I dont know a lot of things, but I do know one thing: as long as we shine bright, the darkness will flee. We are all bright white stars, and we are all guiding. If Ive learned anything, its that. And I hope that you can learn it too.

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