No ones povSilence....
Absolute silence.....
Thomas groggaly opened his eyes awakened by his alarm on his phone which was charging on his dresser next to his bed. Tiredly and already annoyed by the continuous beeping coming from his phone sat up and moved towards his dresser to turn off his alarm and check the time
8:30 am
Sighing in annoyance he gets up from his bed and goes to the bathroom to get ready for the long day.
Walking into the bathroom going towards the sink he looks in the mirror staring at his reflection as his reflection stares back at him with his giant t-shirt and shorts and his Gigantic pitch black eyes as he thought to himself what he was going to do today. Then strangely another Tom appeared in his reflection right behind the real one but this tom was different he. Was really short and had horns, sharp fangs, with very monster like arms and legs, floating off the ground, looking transparent. (I suck at descriptions).
Was it a ghost maybe?
Tom already knowing who this imposter was sighed and grabbed his toothbrush. "Not even a goodmorning?" The imposter asked sadly seeing that Tom didn't really care seeing him appear when he usually is happy to see him "nope" Tom said splattering toothpaste onto his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth "that's not very nice!" The imposter said crossing his arms and making a pouty face
"Whatever Tommie" replied tom turning on the faucet to take a sip of water gurgling it and spiting it back out
"Now get out I need to use the bathroom" Tom said annoyed turning of the faucet but not before splashing water on his face. The imposter that is so called Tommie sighed muttering to himself about how grumpy tom is when he first wakes up and fazes through the bathroom door and sits on toms bed waiting for him to come out of the bathroomAfter Tom finally finished in the bathroom Tom walked over to his wardrobe
"so Tommie what should I wear today"
"Oh? I thought u didn't want to speak to me?"
"Oh come on Tommie don't be like that"
Said so called Tommie
Tom sighed for what seems like the 20th time today"Im sorry ok? Im just tired"
Tommie thought for a moment got off of toms bed and started floating again still look transparent
"Apology accepted"
He said with smile with Tom smiling back at him
"Now what should I wear"
Tom asked Tommie made a humming sound and and floated towards the wardrobe looking the Toms clothes
And a couple minutes of Tommie staring at the clothes with a puzzled expression he took and an outfit out of the wardrobe and gave it to Tom"Try this on!"
The transparent bean cheeredTom smiling and them taking the and walking back into the bathroom to change a couple minutes later walking out the bathroom with a grey tank top on with dark gray jeans his checkered shoes and of course is navy blue hoodie wrapped around his waist what made it even better was since tome has been working out he has a bit of muscles making hime look even better with his hair all neat

I'm never alone [SLOW UPDATES]
FanfictionThomas is never alone No matter how hard he tries There will always be that little voice following him everywhere So far Thomas has gotten so use to this "voice" And has started talking to it But Thomas has been kidnapped by tord What will happen t...