No ones POV (AGAIN)
After Thomas woke up Tommie came rushing towards Thomas......... or well floating but that's not the point trying to hug the poor non-alcoholic man that was laying down before him but failing miserly going right threw him
"Where am I?"
Tom asked once more knowing that Tommie would be at least near him at this time. Tommie cringe at how graspy and dead Toms voice sounded but replied anyway floating back to his side
"I-i don't k-know"
Was all Tommie could say trying not to stutter and failing completely
"Why can't i see?"
Tom asked using a lot if almost all of his energy to form words. Tommie not knowing what to say and not wanting the man with the blue hoodie to panic just said
"D-Don't speak to much right n-now u have bandages over your......eyes"
Tommie hesitates not wanting to tell him that they took out his eyes and brought the probably to some science lab so they could study them I mean It would make sense its not everyday u see someone with black void like eyes
Tom asks struggling to say the word losing his strength
"I-i said not to speak!"
Tommie said avoiding the question
"Just rest ok?......please"
Tommie pleaded not wanting to answer anymore question fearing he would burst out crying if he did Tom sighed and said a small ok before falling back asleep. Tommie sat in the air and began to wait untill Tom woke like he usually does when Tom falls asleep
Tords POV (finally)
I sat at my desk waiting for an update from pau and pat about getting Tom to base. you see may be wondering 'Tord why do you want Tom so badly?' Well let just say Tom do I say this....." special" I guess you can say. You see my old friend has this "thing" inside of him called "monster DNA" which i can use for my plan to take over the world! Heh wait......who am I telling this to?
I thoughts were interrupted by my door being kicked open with Paul and Patryk
Rushing in with panic faces"Is there a problem soldiers?"
I ask slightly curious on what the hell did they do to basically break my door down
"SIR...sir we have a problem"
Said patryk before calming down halfway threw his sentence so me concerned on what they did to my thomas.........wait...... what did I just say-
"What do you mean 'we have a problem'"
I ask cutting off my own thoughts
"Pau accidentally stabbed Thomas in his eyes!!"
Pat said interrupting pau
"You did WHAT!?!"
I yell standing up and slamming my hands on the desk startling both men
"I didn't mean to I panicked!!"
Yelled pau
I scream leaving both men speechless
I sigh knowing I cant hurt them since they basically raised me and I cant kill my "parents" now can I?"Where is he"
I ask. they were silent not knowing if they should answer or not
They sigh
"He's in the medical room"
Pau mutters folding his arms.
I get up not say another word walking to the door but before leaving I felt a bit a pride and said"By the way if you even THINK of touching thomas again I WILL find you understand~?"
I ask in such a demonic tone they shiver and nod and with that I started to walk down the the Infirmary

I'm never alone [SLOW UPDATES]
ФанфикThomas is never alone No matter how hard he tries There will always be that little voice following him everywhere So far Thomas has gotten so use to this "voice" And has started talking to it But Thomas has been kidnapped by tord What will happen t...