New Kids

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I woke up to the sound of my sister yelling my name and something about a camp. Oh yeah its her going back to cheer camp and me being alone sitting and reading because I am forced to go with her. 

I got up and put my black ripped skinny jeans. A sleeping with the sirens shirt with a red hoodie zipped half down. I also wore my black beanie that Addison gave me on my birthday last year. I put on my combat boots then ran downstairs.

"Lets go Addi..." Me and her then went to the bus. She sat next to her bestie Bree and I put on my headphones, turned up my messed up playlist and sat in the back.  


Time Skip cause lets face it we want to get to the woods scene.


I was sitting in the back when  Zed  suddenly on the bus. Then we crashed into the Forbidden Forest (JK you need to copyright Disney they stole your forest). When we stopped I hoped out the bus and Addison chased after me.  I lost her though because lets face, spend your life being bullied you know how to run. A noise came from in front of me and to the side of me, I stopped. 

"Addi is that you.....Zed....." Another sound from behind me...

"Ok if thats the Acey's I swear to god I WILL KILL YOU!" A snicker came from somewhere.

I turned my head , then heard another one behind me. This time when I turned I saw a girl with curly dark hair with a curly white strand. She was super pretty but hey who am I kidding boys are way hotter.  She was about to do something I interrupted and said.

"Before you say anything,  can I just ask where you go the outfit and the nail job because I'm loving it." she howled with laughter, but before she said anything Addi ran behind me. The girl ran off. 


Time Skip


"Mom you can't reactivate the anti-monster laws!" My sister almost yelled, then her boyfriend and her got into a small thing about Prawn. They are way too perfect for each other.  I left the the building and ran to zombie town, no one noticed me because they just don't see me. This guy was talking to Zoey telling her that werewolves aren't real.  He sounded unfamiliar, I haven't seen him before so I followed him to the Forbidden Forest.  I hid behind a tree saw him and what I think is his pack.  I overheard them saying they are after Addi, and me. I started to run off quietly, hoping to god that they wont catch up with me.


Time skip


We were in the auditorium listening to the people running for Student President, then all of a sudden the werewolves charged in.

"Where is the moonstone!" The girl I saw in the woods earlier yelled at my sister. 

"Z-24!"  The football players surrounded Addison.

"EVERYONE JUST CHILL OUT!" I yelled. Everyone yelled at me.

"Willa we can't just attack and cause a war." The boy I also saw said the the girl. 

She muttered something, then said "Wolves down."

"Sorry we just saw your school and wanted to join." She smiled.

"Well you can't!" Bucky yelled

"Actually the forest is in the school district to they can join." The coach said.

Me and Addi then walked up to them and said " Welcome to Seabrook High."

"Im (Yn) and this is my sister Addi." Addison put out her hand but no one shook it. 

Wyatt Lycensen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now