On a Mission Or On a Date?

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(Hey guys its me the author, so I know you guys are pissed I left you at that cliffhanger and not getting back to the plot but I wanna take a break annnnnnnnnnnnnddddddd GO ON A DATE WITH WYATT! (because I will never go on one T-T). Anyway this will not effect the story just a small oneshot (kind relates with the main story but after the movie). also I WILL NOT DO SMUT SO KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS PERVS! Enjoy! Also please comment like my dear edwardilovebella because I need to know if you guys wanna see more so I am not just wasting my time.)

I was walking in the forest like always, I was going to hang out with the wolves. Truth be told Willa mainly let me hang out because she knew about my crush on Wyatt plus me and Wynter are bffs. Anyways I was walking to the den when I was thrown to the ground by Wynter.


"Yep I am, now can you get off of me so we can hug like civil -----."(text has been deleted for spoiler reasons.)

"Fine, but only because Wyatt wants to ask you something---, I mean ahh no." She grabed her hair and pulled. "Bad wolf Bad."

I turned red, Wyatt needs to ask me something? 

"WHATISIT!" I asked nearly jumping with joy.

"You have to wait and see." She said while booping my nose.




I was sitting in the den reading to some of the pups,  when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey (YN) I have something to ask you.." I started to melt and turn really really red when the kids went awwwwwwww

"What is it Wyatt?"

"Well you see I was well wondering if you want to go on this mission with me? Its just to look around the beach I don't want to be lonely."

"oh" my face fell, "sure" is all I could reply with.

"Ok! See you at 6."

I got up went to my house and changed into my clothes that I would wear on missions like this, sadly tho it looked kinda formal when I tried it on. Then again I don't care, it's not a date.


I met Wyatt at the den and we headed to this area I have never been to before. 

"Wyatt were are we going exactly?"

"You will see."

We stepped into this beautiful area with flowers and everything I loved. I turned around to look at Wyatt.

"Wyatt are we on a mission or on a date?" But he didn't respond with words he responded with a soft kiss on my lips.

Wyatt Lycensen x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now