Remembering - tianshan

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The sun shined brightly, the birds sang, while two men lay in bed. Together.

He tian woke up first, the bright sun had stirred him awake.

Well, that and a couple of short red strands tickling his nose.

He glanced down to the sleeping redhead, cuddled against him.

Guan Shan looked so peaceful when he was sleeping, he no longer frowned.

He tian loved to see his relaxed face almost as much as his smile.

Boy, did he love the redheads smile.

He remembers the first time he saw it.

It was the day after they graduated from high school, that he tian confesses his feelings to the red fluff of hair.

Guan Shan had stared wide eyed for what felt like forever.

He tian had thought the silence meant a rejection until he heard a small laugh.

Guan Shan's eyes smiled as he continued laughing and stepping closer towards the dumbstruck ravenette.

"Me too, asshole. Me too."

He tian huffed a small laugh and nuzzled his cheek on the short hair.

Oh, how he loved this boy.

Slowly, he drifted back to sleep, happily smiling against his most favorite person.


Cover art - @rorozhu-blog - on tumblr

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