I'm Here - TianShan

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One Day


What the hell happened?


They were walking then...  he was pushed by He Tian.

He Tian.

Where was he?

"He Tian!" He calls.

The rain pouring even harder, mud all over his clothes.


"He Tian!!" He yells louder, ignoring the stinging pain in his throat. "YOU BETTER ANSWER ME!"

He doesn't know when he started digging. His skin tearing, finger dripping blood.


His eyes stung with salty tears threatening to fall.



He flinched.

The voice he knew too well sounded weak. Scared. Almost... dead.

He kept digging till he managed to get to the ravenette.

"H-he Tian.."

He Tians body was buried under a tree, his mouth dripping blood, eyes fluttering weakly.

"Mo.. Mo Guan Shan.." He huffed, his voice shaking, "your okay.."

"He Tian.. why.. how.."

His tears flowed down, he couldn't understand why He Tian would do that.

"We need to get you out"

He Tian slowly shakes his head, his breath becoming slower by the second , "no.. it's too late for me.. go. Get yourself to safety."

"No! I won't leave you!"

Guan Shan continues to cry, trying so hard to lift the log off the other.



His body felt weak.

The others two just stared blankly. Unmoving.

"Mo... I'm sorry, little mo."

"D-Dont call me that..! You- you're not dying!"

He Tian coughed blood, his vision turning darker as he blinked.

"I love you little mo. I always have.." he whispers, catching any kind of air he can.

"S-Stop.. He Tian please.. you can't- you can't do this to me.!" He hisses at the pain of the heavy log digging into his blistered skin.

"You're gonna be okay, yeah? We'll get this off you and look for a hospital. You're gonna heal and you're gonna continue to tease me all the time"


"And I'll fight with you. You'll continue to drag me on adventures with you and the other two idiots."


"Nothing- Nothing has to change..!"

"Mo... I'm sorry.."

19 Days one shots Where stories live. Discover now