chapter 1: meeting harry

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I woke up on a Friday morning. I looked into the mirror and saw my green eyes and auburn red hair. I threw my auburn red hair into a messy bun and applied light makeup. I hate my aubuyrn red hair. I stare at my flat stomach in the mirror. I am fat and ugly. I am not pretty like the other girls. I slipped on my green converse and my pocket tee with my denim acid wash skater skirt. I brushed my pearly white straight teeth, humming the tune to 'what makes you beautiful' today was going to be my first day of school. I have a good feeling about this.

My mum called me from downstairs "Y/N, YOU'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL" oh no! I'm late for school. I ran downstairs, grabbed a pop tart and rushed out the door. The school bus was waiting.

When I got to school, a girl with blue hair and her possy pushed past me. I think she is mean. She gives me a death stare and walks up to her boyfriend, harry styles who is a rude bad boy and makes out with him right in front of my green eyes. Yep, nothing has changed from my old life. I say hi to harry but he starrwes into my green orbsd rudely.

Harry is rude and has a big dick, wavy brown hair and ocean blue eyes. I wish guys like him noticed girls like me. We rides a motorbike and wears a leather jacket. I can see his muscles bulging out of his tight white tee. He is so rude and mean. I snap out of my daydream and get back to doing my maths question. I am good at school. I am the best in my class. "y/n, would you like to share your answers with the class?" the teacher ms mulberry looks into my green eyes. I blush nervously. "ok I guess". Not everyone can be naturally talented like me. The teacher is amazed. Everyone in the class claps at me. This is so embarrassing. I hear harry chuckle under his breath. Harry is rude./ He would never be with a girl like me.

After class I walk to the cafeteria and drop my books on the floor. Shawn mendes helps me pick them up. I stutter "thank you". He says "oh my the way, what's your name?" "y/n" I giggle. He is kinda cute uWu xD. Shawn mendes has honey brow eyes and short brown hair. He is wearing a button down shirt and a fannel tied to his waist. And also kahikis on his legs and also green converse shoes. "omg" he says. We are wearing the same shoes. "haha" I laugh hervously. "whats your favourite colour?" I ask him "green like your eyes" he says starring into my emerald orbs. I blush and giggle. "wqant to sit with me at lunch?" "ok"

We walk into the crowded caferteria. I see the girl with blue hair and harry styles sitting at the popular table with niall, louie, liam and zayn. a pang of jelousy surges through me. Could harry ever love me? No I am ugly. I sigh.

My best friend aeshee with blonde hair and orange eyes jumps behind me and I scream. "AAAAA" she gives me a big hug "I missed you y/n". she is much prettier than me. Ashe is wearing rainbow sequin converse and a tie die top. No pants. She is so crazy.

The mean blue hair girl whose name is Fiona dumps her food on me. "out of my way, looser". Oh no, I am drenched in nachos. Shawn mendes rips off his shirt and throws it into the corner of the room. "you can wear my shirt y/n". I feel my cheeks burn. Shawn has abbs.

Harry potter walks into the room and gives me his pants that were thrown into the corner of the room. "you can wear my pants y/n". I look so silly in cute oversized boys clothes. "you look cute y/n" Niall says and blushes in my direction.

Lets get out of here said zayn and me and the boys went to ikea.c we played hide and seek in ikea with one direction and my bff aeshee. I wanted to look at the beds and harry came with me. Liam went with my bff aeslee to hide in the bathroom area. One hour passed and me and harry were not found yet. "its ok y/n" harry says and pulls me into his strong arms and hugs me with his strong arms. "arry I cant breathe I gasp" "you like that?' he says. That turned weirdly sexeual. But im into it. We cuddle until it gets dark. We try to find our way out of ikea but we aer lost. The doors are loked. I begin to worry and cry. "harry we will die in here" "atleast we will die together y/n. here eat a ikea meatball. Thanks harry I feel much better. Harry wipes the tears from my eyes. \

The next day I go to school and see harry with the blue hair girl. He acts like I don't exist because I am ugly at school.

Shawn mendes hugs me from behind. "you are cute when youre at school" then he takles off his shoes and throws them into the corner of the room. I blush. I bite mty lip.

Harry styles says I look sexy under his breath when he walks past me in the hallway after maths class in school. I gasp. "harry mnot here"

Edward Cullen walks into my English class and says a poem about love. He takes off his jacket and throws it into the corner of the room. He looks sexy with his brown hair and honey brown eyes. Harry potter is the class clown and says a joke about lame poetry. Edward Cullen cries sexily and niall wipes his tears away and crawls softly into his ear. Everyone says "get out of there niall" but he is in there. Yep, today has been a crazy day alright.

I think I am ugly and fat but harry styles tells me I am sexy, but rudely. I make a mental note to remind me to teach him some manners and also to shave my pussy, I think I am falling for him.

SIT TOWN YOU POCKET TEE WEARIN GASS said the teacher. She is mean and I cry sexily. Harry is ruyde.

My dog is a chuwawa. I pat it when I go home from school but it it just so cute and I love it when my dog purrs. I tis wearing a hat that look slike a mushroom with foreskin on it. I knittesd that hat myself with my emerald orbs.

Whjen 8i gioho em home rude harry styles and the boys help me to build a blanket fort. We sleep holding hands and make pancakes in the morning. We are so goofy. Niall crawls out fof Edward cullem's ear. He is not in there anymore and is ready to rejoin the band. Harry takes me upstairs and sings little things on the beacjh playin gth trombone weith me in his arms.

Harry smiles at me rudely and I give him an equally bright smile even though im worried he wants to frick with my body. I am nervous so harry waits outside while I shwoer. The butterflies in my stomach dance around as I walk to the xcar. I inhale harry's colon before I go, it smells like beef.

I get into the shower and throw all my clothes into the corner of the room. The hot water runs down my flat stomack and perfect figure and I let the hot water loosen my strained muscles and my worries about harry fade away into the corner of the room.

I get oput of the shower and pull my wavy hair into a messy bun. I see harry sprawled off the bed and he looks dead. I start crying asnd call 911. "just prankind harry says'and pulls em onto the bed and tickles my colon.

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