Chapter 6

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Tanjiro's POV

I heard my name, so I looked around, and saw Zenitsu smiling brightly, waving me over. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around him. He laughed as I hugged him, I let him go and looked him in the eyes, "You've got pretty eyes" I said, he giggled. He took my hand and walked over to a big oak tree. "I didn't know you went to this school'' I said. The only reason IM going to this school is because it was the closest high school and they didn't want to have to drive me, Nezuko's going to a nice junior high on the other side of the city. "Ok just so you know, nobody knows about this" he pointed to me then him then me then him, "So don't go overboard in front of other people he whispered Just pretend that we've never met each other" I put my hand to my chest and gasped dramatically "I feel almost offended you want to pretend you don't know me" I said with a smile. "Please!" he whisper yelled, he pouted with his shiny doe eyes. "Fiiiiine" I rolled my eyes and he tackled-hugged me, Thank you!

I was walking down the hall looking for the right locker, Zenitsu had come up with this whole plan about how he would introduce me to his friends without looking suspicious.

The school had four hallways and two floors. The hallways were shaped into a square and inside that square was a grassy area with some benches and more oak trees. The classrooms were facing the grassy square in the center and there were four rooms with doors leading into the center. The hallways were lined with classroom doors and lockers and there was a stairwell in two of the hallways leading upstairs. There was an arch kind of opening leading from the outside of the school in the center, with a path leading to the opening. There was a small perimeter on the outside of the school with a few shrubs, benches and oak trees. 'Damn this school is obsessed with oak trees' I thought. Other than that this school was pretty nice, Ive never been here and I dont think Berry or Sherold have either. They definitely wouldnt have sent me here if they knew how nice it was.

I looked at the numbers on the lockers as I walked by them, my eyes scanned them as I walked. I looked on the other side and stopped, I saw my number and walked over to it. There was a girl putting a book inside the locker beside mine. She had a side ponytail with a green and pink butterfly hair clip on it, she had dark hair and sharp bangs. She wore a long-sleeved black shirt with a sweetheart neckline, over the shirt she had a cropped white jacket. She had on a black skirt and some white knee high boots with some white laces and gold trim on the tops of the boots.

I grabbed at the lock and spined it to the numbers on the little piece of paper they gave me, '12-8-28-19' I ran through the numbers in my head, the lock clicked open in my hand. I opened the locker and saw some different books and notebooks, along with a pack of pencils and erasers. I smiled Damn, since when do schools hand out supplies, never, Sherold probably pre-ordered them the thought ran through my mind, I then dismissed it and started looking through my books, along with the books my schedule was taped to inside of the locker door. I read through it and found my homeroom number, I finished reading the schedule and grabbed the books I needed until I got another locker break.

I looked at the numbers on the lockers as I walked by them, my eyes scanned them as I walked. I looked on the other side and stopped, I saw my number and walked over to it. There was a girl putting a book inside the locker beside mine. She had a side ponytail with a green and pink butterfly hair clip on it, she had dark hair and sharp bangs. She wore a long-sleeved black shirt with a sweetheart neckline, over the shirt she had a cropped white jacket. She had on a black skirt and some white knee high boots with some white and gold laces and beige trim on the tips and bottoms of the boots.

I grabbed at the lock and spinned it to the numbers on the little piece of paper they gave me, 12-8-28-19 I ran through the numbers in my head, the lock clicked open in my hand. I opened the locker and saw some different books and notebooks, along with a pack of pencils and erasers. I smiled Damn, since when do schools hand out supplies, never, Sherold probably pre-ordered them the thought ran through my mind, I then dismissed it and started looking through my books, along with the books my schedule was taped to inside of the locker door. I read through it and found my homeroom number, I finished reading the schedule and grabbed the books I needed until I got another locker break.

"Hi, Im Kanao" the girl next to me turned to me, she had a soft, almost whisper like voice. Uh, Im Tanjiro, its nice to meet you I responded. "I think youre really handsome", she said suddenly. I kept a smile on my face 'What the hell, what am I supposed to do!?' I ran through possible scenarios in my head. "Uhhm, I think youre really pretty too!"

This girl is shoving me into a corner!

"I was thinking maybe we could go out sometime?" I froze, now I was in a tight, tight corner. This girl is pretty and she seems nice, but I already have Zenitsu, he wants to keep us private though, maybe this way we wouldnt be so suspicious. But it would also mean lying to Kanao, but who do I care about more about? "Uhh, yeah sure" I agreed "Alright then, Ill see you around, Tanjiro" after saying that she walked away. She sounded a bit demanding, almost like a dictator.

Oh dear Jesus Christ, what have I done?

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