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°Mt's POV°


The voice sounded more feverish, desperate.

Until it ripped away quickly from my ears.


I shot up from my bed, gasping as I noticed that I was was covered in a sheen layer of sweat.

"The fuck....?" I mumble softly.

I realized something else, I lifted up my blanket.

"No..not this..I can't do this..."

I facepalmed myself as I shook my head in disappointment.

Luckily it's Saturday, so I hesitantly rolled out of bed to the bathroom.

*Timeskip cuz mt is doing NO NO tings*

°Royalty's POV°

"Come get your omlettes, dingus!" (cuz i know how to make them now >:D)

I sat down at the table, taking a couple of sips of apple juice as Tommie came from upstairs.

I began eating as he strolled into the kitchen, " I put red bell pepper bits in yours, by the way." I said with a mouthful of eggs.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, and thanks for remembering." He remarked.

I rolled my eyes and simply put up a happy little finger at him as I finished up my omlette.

He chuckled at me and reciprocated my action.

*AnOther SkiP to (nine in) the aFternOon*

∆ Mt's POV ∆

I sank further into the couch, grasping my phone.

"Just text him alreadyyy.." Royalty pestered.

I groaned, "It's still hella weird you and Ali talked, and she just gave you Thomas's number. JUST so I could text him and be all like..lol i love you teehee."

She nodded, "Yes, and?"

I frowned, "Well, what do I text him first!?"

Royalty shrugged, "What fits best, bro."

After a few minutes of searching, excessive tapping, I've finally found the perfect thing to say to him first.

"And, sent!" I yell triumphantly, setting my phone on the coffee table in front of me.

Royalty cocked her head to the side as she glanced at my phone. She began to laugh.

"Me and the boys at 3am looking for beans, the actual flying fuck Tommie!"

I snickered, "I'll hope that's a good impression."

I hope he answers.


broskis I'm back uwu, and with a new chapter

i want boba

k love you bye :D

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