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Dougie was never the type of person to make plans. He just liked to go with the flow. That's something you learn when you're in a band. On tour, most days you'll wake up and not know where you are or where you'll be tomorrow. You just have to go with the flow.

But ever since Neila came along, Dougie always wanted to have a plan. He wanted to know what he was going to do, when he was going to do it, who was going to be there, how long it would take, and he wanted to know all this before it happened. If he didn't have a plan, he was making one and if he wasn't making one he was worried.

He decided plans weren't always bad unless they were made because you were trying to hide something, which he often was these days.

Today was no different.

Less hiding would be involved now that all the boys and their wives knew about Neila, but he still liked to plan, just in case.

So this was today's plan:

First, Gi, Georgia and Izzy would come and pick Neila up to go shopping and use Dougie's credit card to buy her some clothes and shoes that actually fit.

Next, Dougie would clean his house frantically.

Then, the McFly boys would show up.

And lastly, they would all meet back at Dougie's to watch a movie and eat take-out (without any of the kids), just like they did in the good old days.

Currently, Dougie was onto stage two of the plan: cleaning his house, which he had been neglecting to do since the night of the failed family dinner. This also happened to be his least favourite step, but lucky for him, he was nearly finished. All that was left was to unload the dishwasher and put the dirty dishes in while he waited for his and Neila's laundry to be done.

It was while he was loading the dishwasher that he heard a knock at the door. Dougie almost sighed in relief, thinking one of the boys must have shown up early, which means he would be able to rope them into helping him clean.

He trudged casually over to the door but was shocked when he wasn't greeted by one of his best friends when he opened the door.

The man who stood at the door was in every way, average. He had dark hair that was neatly combed back. He stood a bit taller than Dougie and had a moderate build. He also wore the fakest grin Dougie had ever seen. He wore a neatly pressed, black suit, just like the two men who stood on either side of him. They looked exactly the same and boring. They hadn't even opened their mouths yet, and Dougie hated them. There was nothing different or out of place or unique about them.

"Mr. Poynter?" The man asked.

"Can I help you?" Dougie asked. Not in a rude way, just genuinely curious.

"My name is Agent Victor Barter. I'm here with the United States FBI."

Oh my God. Dougie thought. Oh my God, Oh my God, OH MY GOD. He smiled, pushing his fears aside.

"You've come all this way for me?" He laughed a bit at his own joke. Barter's expression didn't change.

"May I come in?" He asked, and instead of waiting for an answer, he and his two friends pushed past into Dougie's house. Dougie rolled his eyes before turning to follow them.

Dougie stood, leaning against his sofa, with his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Barter slowly inspect the open area of his house. His two friends were just behind him, standing guard.

"Alright, Mr. Poynter." Barter started at Dougie. "Where is it?" He asked the question so cooly, like he was sure Dougie was going to answer him immediately. Dougie laughed a bit.

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