Part 3

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Tuesday, September 10th, 2019
7:42 AM
Northwood High Entrance
    I walked her all the way to the school, trying to help her find her way. It was nice walking with someone instead of being alone. I never really had any friends. Just been friendly but never invested my time in others and others never really invested time with me. Some people try to, but they just give up after a week or so. I've just always been a loner, nothing more. This was odd having a girl invest her time talking and walking with me. I didn't think someone could talk this much about nonsense and useless knowledge. She talked about her childhood and her younger brother and how much he hates and loves him at the same time. She also says that she and her family move around a lot because of her father's job. I guess it would be hard to create long lasting friendships, that must be lonely. I've only been with this girl for at least 20 minutes and it feels like we have been friends for months.
    I walked her inside the school building and showed her to the main student office to get her class in order. After 10 minutes, she got her classes and it turns out we had three classes together, physics 2nd period, english 4th period, and calculus 6th. I showed her around to every class on her paper and told her how horrible each class was.
    "You really hate school don't you?" she asked as she looked at the social studies classroom to her left.
    "Is it really that obvious?" I say sarcastically. I shoved my hands into the front pockets of my hoodie. The first bell rang and everyone was off to class, at least most of them.
    "Well, I'll meet you outside after school. 3:30 sharp." She turns around and walks away to her first class. I was excited to see her after school because she's not like any other girl I've met before. She has this unique personality to her that makes you feel like you are her best friend. She's kind of a dork in a lot of ways but she can talk about nonsense and make it into a conversation worth having. I watched her as she walked away to her class seeing if she remembers which direction it was. She had to stop and think about it for a second and then turn into the correct hallway. I smile as I made my way to my first class of the day.
    After the first period of me sleeping through another lecture, I remembered that I had 2nd period with Remy. I got all excited and rushed to Physics class so I could save her a seat right next to me. Once I got there, I saw that she was already talking to Mr. Drew. I slowly made my way to the back of the classroom waiting for her to finish talking. I got out my notebook and started drawing. I decided to draw the numbers that have been jumping around in my head. 3 56 9 10 19 at the top of the page, then try to draw the scene from my dream to try and connect the two. In my dream, It was like I was walking on the sidewalk, then I see the girl, or Remy walking out from the book store. The store is next to a busy road with parked cars along the curb of the sidewalk. As I keep drawing, I hear footsteps coming towards me. I look up from my paper and see Remy looking at my drawing so far. All I had done was the numbers and two lines for the sidewalk. She smiles and looks at me.
    "I didn't know you drew." She looks back at the page admiring the few lines that I had done.
    "Doesn't everyone draw?"
    "Yeah, but not as good as you!" I look back down onto the page and barely have anything done. I looked back at her confused and I laughed a little.
    "It's just some lines so far. How can you tell I'm a good artist just by this?" I point to my drawing still confused.
    "I can just tell you're a good artist. I believe that this," she grabs the notebook and looks at it for a second longer. "This is going to be something amazing." She looks up at me and hands it back to me. I smile and put the notebook away in my backpack.
    "Thanks. Would you like to sit here?" I point to the stool next to me and she takes a seat.
    "Does somebody already sit here?"
"Nope, not at all." She looks at me concerned.
"You've been sitting by yourself this whole time?" I didn't see what the big deal was. I've always been alone and I turned out okay, I think.
"Well, not anymore." She smiles a little and sets her bag down next to her on the ground.
"Just know that I'm not going to leave you alone anymore." She smirks and looks at me dead in the eyes. "You are going to be stuck with me until the day you die if that's what it takes." Sounds good to me. I thought to myself as she looked back to the front of the classroom.
"I guess there is no running away from you, right?" I say jokingly. She laughs and turns her head back at me.
"Yeah, you're not going anywhere, Cruz." And at that moment, I knew that we were going to be stuck with each other for a very long time. And I had no intentions of running away from her.

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