Just Another Day at the Office: Gun's Perspective

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They kissed for a little while then Gun tried to behave himself so they went to the GMMTV building. Gun didn't know if he was just horny because of their kisses or nervous about seeing all their friends and colleagues. "You can't abandon me in there Papi! Ok?" He told Off. Ok so he was definitely a little nervous. "Of course my love! You're stuck with me from now on." Off answered, which did nothing to calm him down "Pappppiiiiii, don't call me that in front of people! I'm too shy! I love when you call me it in private but not in front of our friends ok? They will tease us to death!" He could just imagine Jennie and Tay and pretty much all of their friends reactions.
"I'll only call you my love when it's the two of us, I promise ok? But you have to still call me Papi. It would sound too weird if you called me Off now..." said Off which made Gun very happy, so of course he agreed "It would be so weird!" They parked up and headed in to the building hand in hand. Gun couldn't keep the smile off his face. He never thought he'd be able to be like this with his Papi but here they were. They passed a group of Babiis who were excited to see them and even more excited that they were holding hands. They smiled and posed for a few photos before saying good bye and heading in. They were in the lift alone and Gun's brain was unhelpfully supplying ideas of what they could get up to in a shirt space of time. It was as if Off had read his mind because he leaned over and kissed him. Thankfully he pulled away jus as the lift doors opened. Gun could only imagine what he looked like but he was glad to see Off was somewhat ruffled too. They had barely stepped out of the lift when Off was whacked over the head with some rolled up papers by Mae. "Did you defile my son you brute?" She shouted. Off stood their looking shocked to say the least and Gun thought he might actually die of embarrassment "Mom! Leave my boyfriend alone!" Gun slapped his hand over his mouth, did he really just shout that? Oh this was not how he had expected today to go. He hoped Off wasn't too embarrassed and was relieved when he said "Yeah that's right, we're boyfriends. Any one got a problem?" A few small laughs began, followed by shouts of "Finally!" and "It's about time!" Godji smiled sweetly then leaned in to Off and whispered something that Gun didn't catch but knowing his mom it was probably a threat. Then she turned to the rest of the office and saying "Ok everyone back to work!"  Gun knew he was blushing but his Papi had just declared to the entire office that they were boyfriends so he thought a little blushing was allowed. Off grabbed Gun's hand and pulled him over to his desk. He sat on the chair and pulled Gun into his lap. It was something they always did before but now they were dating it gave Gun some very bad ideas about what they could be doing in this position. They read through emails together and answered the important ones. When they had finished they decided to out their heads together and work out the official statement they were going to release. They decided to keep it simple, "To all of our fans, friends and family,
we would like to say sorry. We acted rashly by announcing our new relationship status at the restaurant. If we were more sensible we would have taken time to think it out better, but we are idiots in love so that didn't happen. We want you to know that this is very new to us and ask you to support us as you always have done. Thank you all
Off and Gun"
They posted it on every social media platform they were signed up to and emailed it to everyone they knew wouldn't see it on any of those. Gun was so glad they had sorted things out properly but he knew there would be a million notifications to deal with soon enough. Still now it was over and done with Gun wanted to run back home with Papi and get naked. Off interrupted his thoughts by saying "Gun... You said this morning nothing could happen until we sorted things out. Well everything is sorted now right?" Gun looked at him and his eyebrows shot up, ok Off had to be able to hear his thoughts. That was the only explanation.  Still he had to at least try and pretend he wasn't a horny teenager so he said "Papi! We're at work! We can't do stuff here!" Gun totally thought he could be sensible and keep his hands off Papi until he whispered in Gun's ear "I meant we should go home but you've given me an idea. Follow me into the interview room in 2 minutes ok?" Off stood up bringing Gun with him. He placed a quick kiss on the top of his head then walked quickly out of the office. Gun knew he would follow Off to the ends of the Earth so he had to stop himself from sprinting straight after him now. He checked around the room to make sure no one was looking then slowly made his way out of the room. Gun could barely stop himself from running once he was in the corridor and it felt like an eternity until he opened the door and saw his Papi again.

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