3. Maddie Checks In

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I was playing a platformer game on my GBA when London reconnected with a couple of guys, she knew named Kyle and Jason since they too came from extremely wealthy families. Maddie, who finished her shift at the candy counter ended up connecting with Jason since sharing their love for protecting Earth's environment. At first, she was quick to judge Jason due to his background, but upon hearing him tell Kyle to throw an empty soda can into a recycle can, Maddie inquired Jason and made a positive connection. 

The following day, I overheard Kyle assume that Maddie was also rich. The truth was that she was from a low-income background. Since working at one of the most expensive hotels such as the Tipton, Maddie knew the kind of people who checked in. Though Jason seemed to like her a lot even though he didn't know the truth. He seemed to be the kind of guy who looked beyond appearances.

London ended up having to include Maddie in her plan to attend an Usher concert with Kyle and Jason right after Mr. Tipton saw a picture of her partying on the cover of a tabloid magazine and messaged Uncle Marion that he didn't want to see anymore of London's wild antics showed nationwide. My uncle added that it was improper of her to be alone with two boys. It prompted London to add Maddie thinking she was a killjoy. Though knowing her, she can be fun when the situation called for it. 

The next day, Maddie pulled me into an emergency meeting with herself and the twins. It turned out Jason scheduled a longer stay in Boston because he liked Maddie a lot and introduced his parents to her thinking she was a down-to-earth rich girl who lived in the Imperial Suite. 

"What am I gonna do?" Maddie asked as she paced back and forth in a panic.

"Here's a wild thought. Tell 'em the truth," Cody answered.

"I don't think so. If I tell them now, Jason will look like a fool, and I will look like--."

She stopped herself not wanting to say it.

"A lying gold digger?" Cody finished the sentence for her, "Which you're not."

"How am I gonna get outta this?" Maddie sighed.

"From what I've seen by the interactions, he seems to be the type of guy who doesn't judge anyone due to their background," I stated trying to calm her down, "I'm sure Jason will get that you got yanked into an awkward situation that led him and his buddy to think you were also wealthy."

"I dunno."

"We'll help you with Jason," Cody assured Maddie.

"Why would I help my future wife hook up with some other dude?" Zack glared at his twin in jealousy.

It was obvious to all of us Zack had a never-ending crush of Maddie and was always sweet talking to her whenever she had her shift. 

"Because he's leaving tomorrow and she'll owe you big time," Cody clarified to him.

I rolled my eyes.

"OK, here's what we do," Zack turned to Maddie, "First, we get you an Imperial Suite."

"Do have any idea how much they cost?" she inquired knowing the cost of booking such a suite. One would have to be a celebrity to be able to afford one.

"Aw, she thought we're gonna pay," Cody teased.

"That's sweet. No, we don't pay, baby," Zack jumped in.

"I'm gonna sit this one out," I turned to leave knowing the plot would land the twins in a heap of trouble, "And Mads, try to think of a way to tell Jason the truth. He won't judge you because of being low income."

I was reading in the lobby when I heard someone fall. I looked over and saw Cody pretend to be hurt, knowing it was a ruse. Zack snuck over to the check-in stand and got the card key for the Imperial Suite and made a mad dash away. I was going to let it all play out knowing that soon, the twins would get caught in the act. 

That evening, while Maddie ended up having dinner with Jason and his parents at the lounge where Carey was performing, a celebrity wrestler known as the Amputator arrived at the hotel. He was familiar with Uncle Marion since having stayed at the Tipton several times whenever he was in Boston for a huge wrestling match.

"Mr. Amputator," Uncle Marion greeted him. 

I put down my book to greet the Amputator since he was a chill dude and liked me.

"Moseby, Marley," the Amputator smiled at us.

"A pleasure to see you again," Uncle Marion and I took turns shaking hands with him, "Another wrestle royale at the Garden?"

"We'll be rootin' for ya," I grinned.

"Your Imperial Suite awaits."

"Is that the expensive one?" the Amputator asked.

"Everything at the Tipton is expensive," Uncle Marion replied as he went over to the check-in stand.

"Perfect. 'Cause the promotor's payin' for it."

"Oh ho. We'll stick it to him good. Yeah!"


The Amputator lifted his bag that mainly had his wrestling attire and jacket after getting the card key to the Imperial Suite.

"Need a hand lifting that?" I wondered jokingly since he was capable, "I'm kidding, I'm kidding." I cracked up.

Uncle Marion too laughed at my joke. Since living with him, I learned some jokes along the way.

"Very good," the Amputator grinned.

Cody stopped the wrestler and asked for an autograph. I could tell he was stalling the Amputator since requesting what to write. When it came to the kids, the wrestler took the time, like John Cena, another chill dude. 

Whenever any celebrity stayed at the hotel, I just continue with what I'm doing not wanting to be a bother. They're ordinary people as well.

When the Amputator got into the elevator, Cody pressed all of the buttons to every floor. Since I didn't see Zack, I had a feeling he was doing something to the Imperial Suite. Cody pulled out his cell phone and pressed a button.

"Get out now. I'm warning Maddie," he spoke into it, hung up and dashed towards the lounge.

I got back to reading my book predicting how the situation would end. 

Soon, the Amputator came back into the lobby limping which looked like he sprained an ankle or leg. I had a feeling Zack rigged the Imperial Suite. Uncle Marion went with the wrestler to investigate the suite. 

Eventually, Maddie, Jason and his parents, including Carey all headed for the elevator. I remained in the lobby deciding that there was no reason for me to be there. I'd wait until Uncle Marion returned and I'd speak with him.

"Uncle Marion, I didn't have anything to do with what happened in the Imperial Suite," I expressed after he got back to the lobby and had gotten the Amputator booked in another suite.

"I know Marley," he nodded.

"I only let the situation play out knowing the twins would get caught in the act. You know I don't like tattling on anyone."

"I'm also aware of that. Next time, even when I'm extra busy, don't hesitate to talk to me if anything should happen, especially if the double troubles decide to stir up some problems."

"I will."

The following day, it turned out Jason found out the truth about Maddie. And I was right. He wasn't judgmental of her background. Jason saw beyond all of it, though Maddie felt bad for lying to him and his parents. He forgave her and made up with a kiss.

Zack wasn't amused when he saw Maddie and Jason kissing. Still, she was out of his league since being a few years older than him.

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