4. Hotel Inspector

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I was waiting with Cody by the elevator as Zack played with a yo-yo. I had to guess it was another one of his attempts to impress Maddie. 

"Hey, come on man. We have to go work on our science project," Cody demanded.

"I am doing science," Zack told him, "Look, centrifugal force." He started spinning the yo-yo in the air, which worried me that it would fly out of his grip and break something.

Why did I get roped into this? I thought but remembered that I was assigned to work on the project with the twins. 

I followed Cody into the elevator and headed for the 23rd floor to get on top of the project. 

The project was on the behavioral patterns of rats and how music affects them. As fascinating as all that was, I wasn't a fan of rats. Neither was Carey when the twins revealed to her Bonnie and Clyde, the class pet rats. I informed her that as much as I wasn't into it, I needed a good grade to get through the project. 

Uncle Marion arrived at the suite. Zack freaked out thinking it had something to do with accidentally flinging his yo-yo into my uncle's coffee cup.

"Could I talk with you Marley?" Uncle Marion asked after Zack apologized to him about the yo-yo incident.

"Is everything all right?" I wondered as I stepped out into the hallway with my uncle.

"Don't be alarmed. The hotel inspector is coming to do an inspection. And I need you to keep the twins far away from here."

"Okay. How will I do that?"

Uncle Marion pulled out a few tickets from his pocket and handed them to me. I saw that they were tickets to a Red Sox game. Even though I wasn't much of a fan of sports, it was something that would get Zack and Cody to leave the hotel for an amount of time. 

"They'll get a kick outta this," I nodded.

I was surprised when my uncle pulled out a wad of cash, "A little something for dinner."

"Thanks Uncle Marion. I really appreciate this."

The twins and Carey were stoked when I showed them the baseball tickets. Carey was all for it wanting to meet any of the players. 

During the game, Carey hit her head after catching a foul ball when mistook the term 'heads up'. And the Red Sox ended up winning. I helped pay for dinner before heading back to the hotel. 

I expected the inspector to be long gone by the we got back. However, the hotel inspector, Ilsa Schicklgrubermeiger, who I figured was German in nationality, was present.

Things got worse when Bonnie and Clyde somehow got loose in the lobby and Uncle Marion ended up getting suspended from his job by the terrifying inspector.

"Will everything be, okay?" I wondered sadly as my uncle, and I left the hotel and headed for home.

"I hope so," he replied solemnly. 

It had been a week since it happened. Ilsa took over Uncle Marion's job with an iron fist. It turned out Zack was the one who lost Bonnie and Clyde in the lobby. I didn't know he had them in his pocket when we went to the ball game.

Plus, I was banned from setting foot in the hotel by the Nazi herself! It was preventing me from trying to collaborate with the twins about the science project despite Bonnie and Clyde still being loose in the hotel. So, Zack, Cody, and I ended up speaking about it by phone and whenever we were at school. The twins laid out pieces of cheese around the lobby attempting to lure Bonnie and Clyde out since rats were drawn to food. 

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