1. Hotel Hangout

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I was in the lobby reading a book when I noticed the Martins exit the elevator. Uncle Marion, who worked as the hotel manager at the Tipton, had cautioned me to avoid interacting with Zack and Cody since they were boys and sometimes boys meant trouble. They moved into one of the suites on the 23rd floor not long ago after Carey, their mother got a job as a lounge singer. I've her sing and she nailed it!

"Mom! Why can't you drive us to the playground?" Cody asked Carey. 

"Because I have to rehearse new choreography for my next show," she told him, "Mr. Moseby thinks I need some younger moves."

Carey danced what appeared to be the moonwalk, but backward. 

She needs a professional dancer. I thought and tried focusing on the novel I was holding.

"What do you think?" Carey asked.

"I think you should never do that in public," Zack answered.

"Or in private," Cody added.

"Why don't you guys invite over some friends from school?" Carey suggested.

"That's a great idea."

"Too bad we don't have any," Zack remarked, "Nobody ever likes the new kids."

Not always. I thought recalling that at one time, I was the new kid when I first moved to Boston from Hawaii to live with Uncle Marion after my parents divorced and left me behind. At school, I made a few friends who all liked me.

"Why not hang out with Marley?" Carey suggested, "She's over here a lot after school and on some weekends."

"You mean, Moseby's niece? No way!" Zack shook his head.

"He specifically told us she was off limits," Cody jumped in.

It was true what Carey told them. On some weekends, I would visit my grandma, who was always asking Uncle Marion when he was ever going to get married. I take it she wanted more grandkids to spoil, as she spoiled me a lot.

"I wouldn't worry about that," Carey shook her head as if to encourage the twins to have me as their friend, "Come here." She pulled them into her arms, "You'll make friends soon." Carey kissed their foreheads, "We're here to stay now."

I smiled at how she loved and cared for the twins.

"Not if you use those moves," Zack muttered and mocked Carey's dancing backward like he was trying out for the Thriller music video until his backside hit the table knocking a vase over.

I got up from the couch I was sitting on and was about to dive under to catch it when Esteban, the bellboy swiftly leaped over and landed on his back and caught the vase. Uncle Marion rushed over to the scene.

"Impressive catch, Esteban," my uncle commended him.

"If you thought that was impressive, Mr. Moseby," Esteban smiled, "Watch this." He threw the vase into the air making us panic, but sighed in relief when he caught it with one hand and held it up to his ear, "Ooh! I can hear the ocean." Esteban remarked like he was holding a giant conch shell.

Zack and Cody fought over, wanting to hear the sound too. I shook my head at them.

At school, when it was finished for the day, I met up with Max and Tapeworm, a couple of friends of mine just as Zack and Cody arrived.

"Cody, check it out," Zack nudged his twin, "It's the Drew Crew." He referred to Drew and his friends who walked by us, "Yo, Drew. What up, dawg?" Zack raised a hand as if to expect a high five.

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