Dealeareausej had a green emerald to blast at the shops.
Nathilda said to Maddison "I don't mind but here" a red quartz of that she had said "Thankyou".
The next month, Maddison was playing with Carolina "I know this Yep is good. Yep is fine. Yep is mine. Yep is found. Yep is me".
Carolina said "I had it a day" and gave her the cursed red quartz.
Maddison thought a good one on the new photo of Aimee "I thought it was Christina".
Dealeareausej had a green emerald to give "I thought I told you it was hers". Dealeareausejahial had a green emerald to this sake "I thought I was the one which gave that trophy", "I thought I told you it was hers" she spoke.
Realeausej had speak her words "I cannot believe this". Dealeareausej gave a trophy to her "I cannot believe this". Dealteausej gave a red ruby "I cannot believe this".
Realeausej gave the red ruby to Desiree and then thought a mile "I love you to have this for a trophy". Desiree thought it was a good one "I knew it's colours but why. Why".
Dealeareausej saw her running off to the women as they lost it for decade "I thought I told her it was true she gave a red ruby to her and yes it was a good one".
Dealteausejahial had a green jade to thus "I had a trophy". Dealteausej had thought a green emerald to this he squawked "I knew it's colours".
Dealteausej married Dealeareausej under the moon 🌓. Dealteausej saw Jeaneausej having a tiff "I thought I told her not to run from me at Big W".
Dealteausej had a red pendant for Dealeareausej "I thought I told her I love her".
Geayeahisveal met Carolina "I thought I told her I love her". Dealteausej thought a mile away "I thought it was true". Dealteausej met Dylan of this to be its worth "I lost it at you for flirting with Dealeareausej and she's mine". "No" he replied and said "I thought I told you I'm in love with Maddison".
Aimee the spirit of herself away from the toddler body said "Your meant to be with me". The other Aimee Of The sister looked at her and cried "I knew your the real one".
Maddison thought a while to announce "I thought it was belonging to a fairy named Dealeareausejahial". Dealeareausej had a green eye to blink "I love this".
Desiree met the girl Dealeareausejahialyeareausejahial "I thought I told you I was meant for Dealeausej".
Realeausej had a green emerald to blast this day "I thought I told you it was meant for her and no DCP are bums".
Dealeareausej had a green emerald Believix wings "I thought I told her it was good".
Realeausej had a green emerald to blast "I thought I told you it was meant for Desiree to be in its worth".
Realeausej had a emerald to blast at the door "I thought I told you it was hers". Dealeareausej had a green emerald to outbreak a spell "I thought I told you it was meant for her".
Carolina came out and said "I thought it was hers but yes it was hers but why are you guys saying this".
Emeryseal have this a say "I thought I told you it was hers and yes she did it's faith".
Dealteausej had a green Zirconia and blasted at the door "I love this", "Hurry up" one bellowed.
Dealeareausej met Carolinas aunt and said "I wish for it to be a trophy". Dealeareausej said to this "I am a trophy to blink". She said "Awh you got to be kidding". Dealteausej had a green emerald to blast "I thought I told you it was meant for you".
Dealeareausej reasoned under the act "I thought I was told that a Green Zirconia can't be there at green Picton".
Said "No! A Green Zirconia can be there at Picton" and walked away.
Realeausejahial had a green emerald to a pony toy "I thought I told you you were mine".
Dealteausej walked away and Dealeareausej remembered "I thought I told you it was meant for her".
Realeausej thought a green pony "I thought it was green and blue" and Desiree had scolded "I thought I told you a Green Zirconia can be there".
Dealteausej scolded back "A Green Zirconia is cursed and so is your mom".
Desiree offended with grief "I thought I told you not to bellow that".
Realeausejahial "I thought I told you it was meant for her".
Desiree had a green emerald to blast "I thought I told you" and hit Dealteausej.
Dealteausej had yelled out "I thought I told you b****". Dealteausej had thrown a book and hit Dealeareausej in the face.
Desiree blasted green curses of forrestual at him "I thought I told you it was meant for her".
Dealeareausej had a green emerald to blast the time after "I thought I told you". Deaneausej had a green emerald to say "I am in love with Dealeareausej. Let me have her and I will not retold a single spell".
Realeausej had gave a emerald to be thankful for its day "I thought I told her that we cannot be ugly".
Dealteausej had a green emerald spell upper his hand "No you can't have her".
Deaneausej blasted back and so Roxiiye said "No". Roxiiye was too upset and Roxiiyania had said "I love this I'm in love with Maddison's books".
Dealeareausej had a green emerald to upbringing another blast "I thought I told her it was meant for her".
Jeaneausej spoke to interrupt "I love this to know I am the king in the future. I love Maddison and he is a bum". Dealeareausej had a green emerald to blast at him "You can't tell us what to do" and Jeaneausej said aloud "I told her I was meant for her".
Dealeausejahial had a green emerald to outfall "I told you it was meant for her. The red ruby with had fallen. Sorry my green emerald".