After the Undertaking

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After Oliver Queen (the vigilante) saw that he failed Starling City when he couldn't stop the Earthquake Machine from leveling the Glades of Starling City, he went back to Lian Yu. He wished to isolate himself.
When Alina found him, she asked why he came back. He said, "I failed at the one thing I set out to do."
She hugged him and said, "We don't fail. We make a mistake and try to fix it. Making a mistake doesn't mean that you failed, Ollie."
"I'm just gonna hang around here for a while."
"You can take time away, but don't forget who you are. And I will make sure you go back home," she put her green hood back up and was gone.
A month or so later, one of the old land mines exploded. Three tribesmen, Alina among them, were sent to check it out. There, they found Oliver Queen and two others. Bows were raised at the two strangers. However, Oliver quickly raised his toward the archers, "These are my friends, not enemies."
Alina ordered, "Zhàn xiàlái, fǎnhuí yíngdì."
The two tribesmen left. The startled looking woman spoke shakily, "Um, hi... who... who are you?"
Oliver spoke, "Felicity, this is Alina. She was here with me when the ship went down. She's... a friend"
"Oh, okay. Nice to meet you," Felicity held out a hand.
Alina grasped her forearm, and Felicity started but returned the strange gesture. Alina smiled, "Any friend of Oliver's is a friend of mine."
"Yes, well, I hope you don't need him anymore because he needs to come home," the man, John Diggle, said.
"Well, of course he does. I even told him so myself."
Oliver looked annoyed, "I'm not going back, Diggle."
Diggle gave a look of even further annoyance, but also of sincerity, "Oliver, you're coming home, even if I have to drag you there."
Felicity said, "Okay, Oliver, don't listen to that, just... Starling needs you. Your family needs you. We need you! I just jumped out of a rickety plane and found out that I am terrified of heights, now don't make me feel like I just did that for nothing!"
"Oliver, your city needs the vigilante," Alina looked at him with utter sincerity.
Oliver thought about it and finally agreed to go back. Just before leaving, Alina asked, "You wouldn't happen to know a Cisco Ramone, would you? He came here a few months ago about the Mirakuru and wanted to try and counteract its effects."
Oliver shook his head, "No, I..."
Felicity interjected, "I do! He works at S.T.A.R. Labs."
Alina clapped her hands, "Excellent! I have to go see him. Would you be willing to take me there?"
Diggle looked a bit uncertain, but Oliver smiled, "We could, yes, but getting back might pose a problem for you."
"Oh, I'll be just fine. My father finally agreed to at least let some technology enter the island. There's a dock here now. I'll just catch a boat out here."
"Um... Central City is farther than China, Alina," said Oliver, "But, I would be more than willing to fly you to Hong Kong and then you can catch a boat out here."
"Well, that doesn't sound too bad," Alina looked down in thought.
"You'll be fine. We're taking a plane there, anyway. That way you'll be with us your first time, and you shouldn't have a problem coming back."
"Alright. But if I die, Queen, it'll be your head."
They laughed.
The plane ride to America wasn't as bad as the tribeswoman thought it would be. She actually enjoyed it. She had never been so high up before. They landed in Starling City, and Felicity agreed to go with Alina to Central City to make sure she would get there okay. When they arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs, Felicity left Alina after reminding her when the next flight to Hong Kong would be, "It'll be after Christmas. That should give you enough time to sort out whatever you need to, and even go sightseeing afterwards."
"Thank you, Felicity. Tell Oliver to take care of himself," said Alina.
Cisco was waiting for Alina at the entrance, "Hey, island girl!"
Alina laughed, "Hey, city boy!"
"Felicity told me when you're set to leave, and it gives us plenty of time to run some tests. Also, you'll get to see that Particle Accelerator turned on."
"A what?"
"It's a... you know what? You'll find out when you see it. In the meantime, you'll be staying at my place if that's okay with you."
"Yes, it's fine. I've never been to America, and I could really use guidance."
"You've come to the right place, my friend."
Alina let Cisco run blood tests on her. She reminded him beforehand, "Just don't make me upset, and you'll live."
He laughed, but the serious look on her face shut him up. After the first week of work, he asked, "Hey, I have a question. Did you ever lose control on Lian Yu?"
She replied, "I have... once. But that was a long time ago. Lian Yu is the most peaceful place. I am never angry there."
Cisco nodded. Alina then said, "Also, when I was in Hong Kong three years ago, I learned about Tai Chi. I do it on the beach every morning."
"Ah yes, the ultimate calming art," he breathed as he waved his hands slowly around him.
Alina laughed at his attempt, "I'll show you how if you'd like."
"Nah, I'm good. This is my Tai Chi." He gestured to the computers and equipment in the lab.

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