No Outlanders Allowed

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Raven hadn't eaten in Lord only knows how many days, so the small fish felt like a four course meal. She fell asleep later by the dying fire. Alina watched her curiously as she thought to herself, "Why is she here? She can't be the only survivor of a ship full of people. Someone has to have lived as well."
"What are you thinking, Lina?" Chan asked, startling Alina out of her gaze.
"I'm just... thinking. Something about her story doesn't make sense."
"Which part?"
"Being an only survivor? Not even Oliver Queen was a lone survivor. Two others made it to the raft. But this 'Raven Hayley' is leaving something out."
"What makes you so sure? You don't just end up freezing in the middle of the sea for laughs, Lina. And it's none of our business who she really is."
"Well... yes, but..."
"No. And where is our agreement?"
She sighed huffed, "Okay, chief."
"That's better," he laughed.
"We should go as soon as the sun peaks."
"Dāngrán. (Of course). I'll take first watch."
"Don't be ridiculous, Chan..."
He raised a finger. She rolled her eyes, "Chief. We're under sufficient cover. The soldiers haven't traveled this far inland," she reclined and whispered, "Get some rest."
Chan and Alina woke up at the crack of dawn and shook the castaway out of her slumber. Unwillingly at first, Raven dragged her sleep-deprived body along the trip. Chan called from ahead, "If you don't walk faster, we're leaving you here!"
At this, Raven slapped herself a few times and trudged on.
It took them 2 more days and one more night to reach the village, and what awaited the Chief's daughter there was unnerving. The Chief himself stood there waiting for her return. He gave a troubled look at his daughter, "Nǐ wèishéme zǒule zhème jiǔ? (Why were you gone so long?)"
As soon as he set eyes on the dark haired girl behind Alina, his clenched his jaw and spoke in English to show the outsider exactly where she stands, "Who is this outlander you bring? I thought we were clear when Oliver Queen was denied homage."
"Father, she would not stay long. I just need to bring her to the other side of the island where the boat is," said Alina as she loosened her quiver from her back.
"You will not go into enemy territory to save this person!"
"The boat is not in enemy territory!"
"There is no boat!"
Alina's eyebrows crinkled, confusion settling on her face, "What do you mean 'there is no boat'."
"It was broken to pieces the last time it was seen. Did you really believe you reached those barbarians with words? They did it so that we couldn't call for aid from your technology friend in Central City!"
"Then she stays longer!"
"Méiyǒu! Zhè shì wǒ de bùluò! Wǒ dì dìpán! Nín bù mìnglìng wǒ zuò rènhé shì! (No! This is my tribe! My land! You do not order me to do anything!)"
Chan tried to intervene but was silenced by the fuming chief. Chief Li Wei turned to the shaken, wide eyed girl but directed his next words to Alina, "She may stay on the island, but in this village she will never tread."
"You're decision is her exile?"
"My decision was the same with the Queen boy."
Alina tightened her lips, looking at her dear father with utter frustration and rage. Then she turned a side glance at Raven, and her expression softened to a sense of defiance. She pulled back her hood, revealing her glowing eyes to her father and said, "She will stay this night. She has walked long and is in need of good rest and warmth," she went to Raven and lead her by the arm passed her father, "We will go tomorrow."
The chief and all others within earshot turned in surprise towards Alina's direction. Chan followed her, the same look of confusion plastered on his face. The chief's voice trailed after them, "Wǒmen? Nǐ bù zǒu! Wǒ de nǚ'ér bù huì liúwáng! (We? You are not leaving! My daughter will not go into exile!)"
His voice faded away as they went to Chan's home. Chan closed the door and turned to Alina with a creased brow, "Lina, you can't be serious about leaving."
"I am. Now drop it."
"But you are too important to us to go into exile!"
"If that were true, she would be allowed to stay! My father wouldn't have humiliated me in front of the tribe! Oliver Queen would have been able to stay with us in safety!"
"I get you're angry. But, Lina, you have to be rational. Think of the soldiers on our coast. They destroyed our only tie to the mainland."
"You actually believe they did that? I know that my father is responsible because I know he can't stand Oliver and Cisco. And don't tell me to be rational."
"If I may interject," came Raven's small voice, "Being away from family is hard on someone. It was hard on me, and I still haven't heard from them. Don't do something you'll regret."
"I know you're trying to help, but I won't regret this. I will be in exile with you until you can get home."
Chan chimed, "And so will I."
Alina put her hand up, "No. You won't. You're staying with the tribe."
"No. I need you here. If there is any movement on the beach, I need you to inform me."
"That is all, Chan."
He started to say something back but nodded in agreement, "Fine."
He turned to leave and said under his breath, which Alina heard nonetheless, "You're supposed to call me chief..."
As he shut the door, he could hear Alina ringing laughter and smiled.
The corners of Raven's mouth tugged into a grin, and she asked, "What's with the 'chief' thing?"
Alina smiled thoughtfully, "It was a bet we made before we found you. He won, so I have to call him chief for a while."
Raven giggled, "How's that been going?"
"Not well," Alina laughed, "I keep forgetting!"
They continued their random discussions and generally had a pleasant time. Alina then asked, "So, your parents. How long has it been since you spoke to them?"
Raven folded her hands and smiled thoughtfully, "Maybe years? I lost count a while back. I got involved in..." she stopped and checked herself before she continued, "...something I wasn't supposed to. I ran off from my parent's house and never looked back."
"You don't have to hide things from me. Chances are I've never heard of it," she laughed.
Raven thought about it. Alina flinched, "You're anger towards whatever it is you did is painful. I've never felt so much pure rage."
"I'm not proud of what I did."
"Well... what did you do?"
"I... I was part of an organization called the League of Assassins."
"The League? You were..."
"So you have heard of it."
"I've heard stories."
Raven raised her brow. Alina crossed her arms, "We're not that cut off from society. I've been to Starling and Central City."
"The point is... I was part of the League for almost 5 years. I left because of something that was said. It turned out to be a large belief among the rest, but I didn't believe that was how life should go."
"Stop talking in riddles and just tell me!"
"Well that depends... do you know who the leader is?"
"Again... only in theory."
"Good enough... all those years I thought I was making a difference. A positive one. That all changed when I overheard Ra's Al Ghul saying he would decimate a city to 'cleanse humanity'. I was fine with hunting and killing criminals that deserved it, but entire cities? That was when I drew the line and left."
"Well, that's good. You did what many couldn't: separating yourself from those who have negative influences on you."
Raven looked down and shook her head, "You don't just leave the League of Assassins. Not without consequences. I couldn't go home to my parents because they would have a sword hanging over their heads."
Alina then realized the answer to the question that had been racking her brain, "You didn't survive a shipwreck, did you?"
Raven shook her head 'no'.
"You were running from the League."
She nodded.

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