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She really was everything I ever needed

The way her hair flowed through the wind as she ran in the green plains

The way her skirt swayed and lifted as she jumped over streams and pebbles

The way her eyes sparked with tears just catching the tips of her beautiful eyelashes

The way her arms swung as she ran through the trees, looking more like a deer then a human

The way her perfect smile curls into a terrified gasping motion

The way her chest heaves as she runs around trees and bushes to get away

The way her divine voice echos throughout the woods as she screams for help over and over but to only ever receive silence

The way her ruby red blood seemed to fall almost like rain on a windshield as she gets cut but sticks and stones

The way her whole body seems to shiver in fear as she lays in a pool of her ruby red blood that seems to only ever grow

They way her beautiful eyes seem to lose the bright soul that once hold them as it's traded for something more

She really was everything I ever needed

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