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"Bitch where you at, Desmond all up on this girl" Ari busted the door open breathing heavily as if she was running back and forth.

"Trey, what the fuck you doing to her?" She raised an eyebrow. Trey then stormed out the room going who knows where.

"I tried to stop him best, but he was too strong" I said sitting on the bed that they had in the room putting my face in my hands.

"I'm finna tell Desmond" she ran out of the doorway. I hear footsteps stepping down the stairs. I sit there and wait for what's coming next. Who knows how Desmond will react.

"IF SHE FUCKED THAT NIGGA IMA KILL HER AND HIM" I hear Desmond speeding up the stairs, as he yelled full of anger. I was terrified when he got like this, who knows what he's capable of?

I look up to see an angry Desmond, the boys were behind him balling their fist. Ari stood behind Desmond. Desmond looked me right in my eyes. I was afraid to look in his no longer green eyes but now black.

"YOU LETTING THIS NIGGA ALL UP ON YOU" Desmond yelled right into my face with his hands going everywhere. I was scared that he could just snap and maybe want to hit me.

"YOU MUST WANT HIM HUH?" Desmond said still yelling. I could feel myself start to cry. Tears began to drip from my face. I hated being yelled at.

"YOU FUCKING HIM?" Desmond came closer to me face causing me to back up because he was scaring me. More tears began to fall, I hated that he was yelling at me.

"ANSWER ME" Desmond jumped into my face causing me to fly back away from him. I thought he was going to hit me. He was so close to my face I couldn't even focus or talk.

"Chill desmond let her talk, you don't even know what the fuck happened" Ari spoke up letting me know that I needed to speak up.

"Desmond he- he came to me he was too strong Desmond he wouldn't let me go" I cried into my hands trying to explain to him what really was happening. He wasn't giving in.

"Y'all these Doritos kinda stale- oop what is going on here?" Cid said walking into the door with a bag of Doritos in his hands. He was soaking wet from the pool. Meech hit him on his arm to signal him to shut up. Cid then put his hands up in defense looking around stupidly.

"AND NOW YO STUPID ASS WANNA CRY" Desmond kept yelling and yelling and getting closer to me, I was slowly backing up in the bed. Princeton and Christian then pulled Desmond back from me trying to calm him down.

"MANEE FUCK IT, YO LIL FAST ASS CAN KEEP FUCKING THAT NIGGA IT EVEN NO POINT IN ME SITTING AROUND THIS BITCH" Desmond yelled into my face before storming out of the room. You could hear hard stomps going down the stairs. I sat on the bed and continued to cry. Ari then came sat next to me. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and rubbed my back. I felt so upset because Desmond didn't even bother listening to me. What was I going to do now?

"You want me to take you home?" Ari asked in her soft voice. I nodded my head, looking up I see that all the boys left the room as well. I shook it off and sat up from the bed to go grab my thing from Ari's room.

*skip to in the car*

The whole ride home I was quietly thinking about how Desmond is protective over me. It made me feel like I was maybe his girl. I mean we have been talking for a while and we do things that couple would do. I zone out if my thoughts as Ari started to speak. I look up to see that we were in my driveway.

"It's ok bestie he gone apologize and understand what really happened." She rubbed my back smiling. I gave out a small smile.

"Thank you I'll call you later" I opened the car door and let myself out closing the door behind me. I then began to walk towards my front door taking my keys and unlocking it, opening it, and closing it behind me. I walk straight upstairs and entered my room. I sat that bags down that I had in my hand on the floor and ran to my bathroom. I picked out the clothing I needed for after I get out of the shower. I walk to the bathroom setting my clothes on the counter I reach into the shower to turn it on medium heat. I take each piece of clothing that I had on my body off balling it up and putting them into the dirty clothes basket. I then slide the shower curtain open and stepped inside.

Forgotten Loyalty Part 1Where stories live. Discover now