Boom Clap the sound of my Girlfriend.

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Nico POV


whats going on? i looked behind me. everything seemed to be in slow motion.

I looked behind me and saw a minator in full body armor. with several cyclops behind him. They were standing in a hole by the McDonalds drive threw.

"Reyna." i said

"Right." she nodded and drew her sword.

I drew my sword and charged the minator. It roared and swung a giant imperial gold battle axe. i intercepted the blow and knocked the axe out of his hand. He roared and smacked me in the chest and i flew back 15 feet.

I gasped and dropped on the floor. i saw dots. i looked up and saw Reyna cornered by 4 cyclops. the minator slowly walked over to me to finish me off. i still had my sword in my hand and i stood up shakily.

The minator drew a battle knife from a sleeve on his back. the minator was a few yards away now. i looked over at reyna and noticed another cyclops running up to her. i noticed a black ball in its hand.

"REYNA!" i yelled after her. i stabbed the minator swiftly and ran to reyna.

"REYNA BOMB!' I yelled right as a flash of light went off.i heard and explosion and i was blasted 20 feet away.

The last thought that went through my mind was, "the bomb was next to Reyna."

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